March 2008 Columbus, OH
April 1st of this year [2009] I turned 27. It feels like I have just started learning about art and how life relates to it. My passion and college education was in photography, with a minor in entomology and computer science. I have spent a great deal of my time documenting the hiphop culture in Midwestern cities, so my forte would be centered around documentary photography and photojournalism. I am originally from the mean streets of east Cleveland and now I stay near my rowdy, Columbus alma matar...The Ohio State University. I am also a freelance photographer and occasionally work for scraps for the dying newspaper/magazine industry. Recently I have become a freelance writer for games and tech and as well as photography. No...I don't sleep much.
I decided to get into semi-pro digital photography. I am currently building my own studio with whatever change I can scrounge together at my day jobs. Photography dominates a great deal of my day-to-day life, private life and to a growing life on the web. Current projects would be studio portraits and still life. So if any of you pros and well-versed hobbyist have any pro-tips, please feel free to drop me a line here.
I figured I'd give Squarespace a try, because I have made it to a point in my life where I am juggling a great deal of things and while doing the trial run on this site...I guess a lot of stress was expunged.
That is about all I am willing to divulge here. And I'm pretty sure you are tired of reading this. Soon my art site will be up and I'll pimp that more here, because that is a better represention of 'About Me'. There are limits to even my narcissism.
The Brog Master,