Penn & Teller "Bullshit": Video Games
Monday, July 13, 2009 at 9:07PM
Isaiah T. Taylor in Console Gaming, Criticism, Culture, Equal Rights, Games Journalism, Jack Thompson, Penn & Teller, Video

Falling in line with all things tech culture related on the brog, Penn & Teller have constructed quite the piece debating the factual evidence surrounding violent video games and their effects on this generations moldible minds.  As in any episode you would find of Penn & Teller, be prepared for tons of profanity [awesome] and loons [on both sides of the fence] as well as some solid points made on behalf of the games industry.  Do violent video games make for an aggressive person or personality? Is it training our children to be zombie-like killers?

More Parts 2 & 3 after the jump!

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