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    What I Found At Work...

    Funny What You Find Next To Printers

    The mom & pop video store I work at is pretty much a shell of its former self.  Out of four store locations we have two left [we just closed another last week!].  The day I found out was also the same day I found this Nintendo 64 version of NBA Jam 2000.  Couple things: I never new there was an NBA Jam 2000. Furthermore I never knew there was one for the Nintendo 64. The copywrite date says 1996-97.  Oddly enough the game developer known as Acclaim was probably flying pretty high off of their various Mortal Kombats & Blitz series.  Its funny, being inside of an old relic and looking at one as well.

    If there is one thing I've learned from years of wasting money in college, if you see a shot, take it.  Worry about the thought process later, but take the shot. The next day I came in, NBA Jam 2000 was gone. I have no idea if the game was good [but that red hot colored cartridge is pretty bitchin]. It just seemed weird that I had my camera on kind of a suck day and out of all things we have at the store...we certainly DO NOT have Nintendo 64 games.  When the store closes [and it will], this is probably something I'll remember. An old, weird store specializing in things old and weird.

    Video of NBA Jam 2000 After The Jump...

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