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Help Me Buy A Non-Sucky T-Mobile Smartphone


As most of you don't know, I kinda had my heart set on the HTC HD2. But as it turns out, the phone is getting critically panned. But with news that the phone of my tech wet dreams is elligible for the Windows Mobile 7 update I've decided to throw the HD2 into the fray with the rest of my T-Mobile smartphone lot. What to choose? My 'for serious' camera must be left at home, so it would be nice to have a phone that doesn't take photos that look like the equivalent of a fierce Tetris match. Though T-mobile isn't known for their 3G and Wi-Fi network, hell T-mobile isn't really known for being particularly awesome at anything! I just want something that works well on the web and has a keyboard that doesn't make me feel like I'm typing with my toes.

What should I chose? Video reviews from various sites will help with the decision making process. After the jump.


Up first, The perfectly capable G1. Man is it not a looker, but I've used my friend's and I like the keyboard, not really meant for my spider fingers, but I'm sure in given time it would grow on me. Great call quality and passable internets. The android OS is a mega plus seeing as having a semi-open source network leaves me [the user] with more options for applications. Seriously, what's with that curved bottom though?


Next we have the Samsung Memoir which is apparently too gangster to be sold on the T-mobile web store. Seriously T-mobile, get your store crap together. I'm tired of seeing the phones I want at a T-mobile brick and motar store, but not seeing it when I log in to pay my bill. The Memoir is a little small for my taste and the OS doesn't excite me, but its the only 8.3 megapixel camera phone on the market. That alone is enough for me to make a dumb decision and buying this one.

The Samsung Behold II is the happy blend between the Android OS and a tolerable camera. The widgets and features look 'okay' the screen doesn't look that responsive and the phone itself looks like it 'phones good', but I know very few people with it to make a solid judgement.

The Nexus One. Its an android phone with a handful of bells and whistles that get the job done. For some reason I get a 'Blackberry' feel when I look at the design [I hate Blackberry's by the by, I look at them like I looked at the Atari Jaguar when it came out]. No multitouch, but expandible memory though it comes stock with a ton. But the Nexus One is the most expensive of the HTC phone on the T-mobile network.

The HTC HD2. Look at it, its huge! That aside, the snappy feature heavy phone seems to have a slew of problems from unresponsiveness to sluggish interaction. This seems to be a common ding against phones running Windows Mobile 6.5. I'd like to think that the WinMo 7 update would correct these errors, but when has Microsoft ever answered my OS prayers?  With all that memory and screen real estate, I can't help but wonder what could happen if the HTC people and the Android people made a...oh...nevermind mind. I still am leaning towards the HD2, but its hard to justify the payment based on 'possible updates'.

 Video Review Sources:




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