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    Entries in Brands (1)


    Is This Good For The Company?

    The Bob's Think That You Aren't Challenging Your Self Enough, Games Industry.

    In an age where having an individual product isn’t enough, where building a brand through viral marketing via ‘synergized releases’ -- its easy to lose sight of what’s important. Did we need the insulting and insensitive advertising campaign circulating the release of Dante’s Inferno? When you ate Dominio’s pizza in the 90’s where you thinking, “You know, if I could avoid the Noid and eat pizza, life would be so close to completion.” Maybe the Doom movie should have been released straight to DVD, seeing as theater goers typically do not support video game movies starring men [Angelina Jolie & Milla Jovovich]. The point is, we have come far from the days of Ducktales and Aladdin. We exist in a time where seeing a broken cd on the sidewalk is common. Furthermore, seeing brands stretched and skewed to make a buck -- makes what you liked about said brand much more disposable.

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