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    Entries in Evolution (3)


    Commercial Break: I Missed Evolution This Year


    I live a life of no regrets and I try to keep minimal secrets. While shooting Season's Beatings this year and playing fighting games with some of the best people on the planet, the thought had entered my mind as to what else I was missing this weekend. Evolution is one of the bboy community's biggest events. There are other battles and competitions that rival it, but Evolution is a little bit more special. Much like Season's Beatings, Evolution still has a homegrown appeal to it, that I've been looking for in a larger type of jam/competition to travel to. Maybe next year right?


    Ben Stein vs Roger Ebert

    The fight that determines the fate of the world

    You probably want to read this. While most media outlets are covering the latest celebrity beefs, something you may have missed in recent months would be that Ben "Bueller Stein came out with a DVD called "eXpelled: No Intelligence Allowed". If you are interested in an anti-Evolution documentary this DVD is for you, unfortunately it wasn't for me [luckily I was paid to watch this.  Apparently it wasn't for Ebert either, because of this...Sir Ben Stein took the neglect personally.

    Roger Ebert decides to, in thorough detail, appease Stein by giving him one of the in depth reviews ever.  What is interesting about Ebert's rant is; although the manner in which he delivers his critism is muy intelligente, you can totally see the level of 'piss-tivity' he's reached.

    So This Is What Happens When You Make The Ebert Mad...


    A Virus Gets A Virus

    eeeeeeeeeew Mimivirus

    Okay, I can't really express how cool this really is, because there is a large part of my brain still trying to comprehend what the ramifications of this discover. Know this, viruses can be infected and possibly attacked by other, smaller viruses. What this 'could' mean? Viruses are evolving, into what, is still yet to be studied.  What is odd, is that if viruses are evolving, wouldn't that mean that cells [by nature or unnatural means] have to evolve too?

    After the jump : The Mamavirus get's infected by the Mimivirus!

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