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    Entries in Naked People (1)


    Commercial Break: Naked People Humping

    The Humping Pact, Zollverein Coalmine (excerpt) from Dmitry Paranyushkin on Vimeo.



    So here we are. Getting ready to go stuff ourselves with large plates of food, while others who are less fortunate go [potentially] forgotten. But everyone hates seeing those Sally Struthers commercials right? No one wants to see a group of Natives on C-SPAN demanding that the actual holiday of Thanksgiving be abolished. No. We want sports, an Adam Sandler movie of questionable quality and Black Friday deals.

    I can't compete against that. But before you cart yourself off to your incubated home of familial love. I want the first thing you think of, prior to shoving corn fed meats into your gullet, to be a group of naked dudes humping stuff.

    Why? I mean, when you think about it, why not. There was someone out there that had the presence of mind to ask some models, "Hey, mind rubbing your pee-holes up against sharp, rusty metal and dried twigs?"

    Now go on and have yourself a delicious dinner.