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You're Probably Wondering How El-P Linked Up With Justin Bieber...

Above is the now infamous song. A remix of Justin Bieber's "Baby." Its great. Enjoy it. I was going to make it the song of the day in my other blog post but this kind of deserves the back story. You know the strange thing about Twitter is actually what occasionally turns me off to the AD/HD oriented website.


Instant access to anything is a tweet away. For no reason other than the man's own amusement, famed hiphop producer El-P decided to share 'questionible advice' with The Biebs. Below is a small segment of how all of this happened. In tweet form [yuck...sickens me to even type the word]. The highlighted text are what pushes this whole thing over the edge and boom...classic remix.
Update 07-04-10 12:35 : If you'd like the actual .mp3 go here [while link is still active]: Justin Bieber - Baby [El-P Death Mix]


Relevant history after the jump.


[note: scroll down for the beginning for the top is the end]


ok i now have like 20 bieber accapellas. thinking about putting my career on hold and just doing an album.


HOLY SHIT RT @justinbieber: 3...I have not joined the Illuminati or any other cult. Im a christian and I pray before every show


hahahahahahaahahahahahaa. oh man im a bastard. ok my job is done here. what else can i do to entertain myself? hmmm.


!!!! RT @justinbieber: my mom is a moral woman...let's just leave that one for what it is...that rumor just grossed and wierded me out...


shout 2@justinbieber. we both struggle w/ depression+substance abuse, have insatiable sexual appetites+smoke. hes in my wolfpack.


must...resist...fucking...with...the biebs...
Tue Jun 29 2010 10:20:48 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


@justinbieber careful, biebs. you never know who might have the clap.
Tue Jun 29 2010 10:19:45 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


RT @justinbieber: RT @IvanaIshak if @justinbieber is creeping, he will follow me ;) = U caught me...FOLLOWED
Tue Jun 29 2010 10:18:35 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


i dont get it. are you implying that im in the tea party? RT @PacadermStomp: @therealelp See how YOU are?
Tue Jun 29 2010 10:17:28 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


new bandcamp page. grab high quality versions of "whores" "meanstreak" and "how to serve man" for DL. more to come.
Mon Jun 28 2010 21:39:42 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


#innocence RT @troysomers: @therealelp who the fuck is justin bieber? you making a record with him or something?
Mon Jun 28 2010 21:27:14 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


Mon Jun 28 2010 21:20:18 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


you just blew my mind. RT @DJEarAttent: @therealelp You joking around about joking around about Justin Bieber is not a funny joke
Mon Jun 28 2010 21:16:15 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


i've always had a bit of a dry humor problem, but good lord. i would think talking to a childstar about coke and hookers was a giveaway.
Mon Jun 28 2010 21:11:20 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


wait.. are there really people out there who arent getting that it was all a joke?
Mon Jun 28 2010 21:08:31 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


RT @reggiereggie: @therealelp when will you learn not to toy with the internet
Mon Jun 28 2010 21:04:28 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


RT @AshtonO: @therealelp I think it's safe to say we're all a little disturbed by your voluminous tweets about Bieber.
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:58:02 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


@JbiebersGirlxox anyway have a good night. thanks for listening.
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:52:36 (Eastern Daylight Time) via TweetDeck in reply to JbiebersGirlxox


@JbiebersGirlxox you know how it is. the constant grind. taxes. relationship issues. the socio-economic condition. apathy. hard 2 belieb.
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:51:40 (Eastern Daylight Time) via TweetDeck in reply to JbiebersGirlxox


its just that im stressed, you know? gotta quit the smokes too. "RT @JbiebersGirlxox: @therealelp does dat mean ur givin up?x :O
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:47:00 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


i wish i could belieb. im just worn down by life, you know? RT @JbiebersGirlxox: @therealelp yeah lol n i belieb in justin xx
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:39:09 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


by the way, blame @danameyerson . she inspired my @justinbieber tweets with one of her own. ITS HER FAULT.
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:35:14 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


we all need something to beleib in.RT @JbiebersGirlxox: @therealelp i support justin no matta wat. Im proud to call myself a belieber
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:33:47 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


HATER! RT @TheeHolliday: Its a sad\weird thing that @therealelp is the person on my follow list who tweets the most about @justinbeiber
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:29:57 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


i hear you, girl. my bad. <3.RT @JbiebersGirlxox: @therealelp yeh, but im da kinda girl that puts up wid haters anyone hates justin are sad
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:27:28 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


@JbiebersGirlxox of course you love him and be proud of @justinbieber ! its his family and friends im concerned about. arent you?
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:23:03 (Eastern Daylight Time) via TweetDeck in reply to JbiebersGirlxox


RT @JbiebersGirlxox: @therealelp Us beliebers are not sad! And were not using @justinbieber come on can a girl not be proud of her idol x
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:19:48 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


look you didnt realize what you were doing by requesting i follow you. i forgive. RT @BieberEcuador:
@therealelp thank you and sorry again.
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:13:44 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


its ok. i feel like we all learned a lot from this. RT @BieberEcuador: @therealelp sorry, i didnt know. xoxo
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:11:04 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


i thought i could do some good. I.THOUGHT.I.COULD.DO.SOME.GOOD.
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:08:46 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


@justinbieber man there is just no talking to you. when youre filming your behind the music ep remember I TRIED.
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:07:03 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


@justinbieber look man stop sending your attack dogs. im trying to help. RT @BieberEcuador: @therealelp well actually you insult me first!
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:05:39 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


@justinbieber is this the type of language your fans use, man? my goodness. RT @BieberEcuador: @therealelp only if you fuck yourself first
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:01:27 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


@justinbieber ok man im gonna be real with you. the people around you, including your mom, are going to use you until you are dead.
Mon Jun 28 2010 20:00:39 (Eastern Daylight Time) 


@justinbieber beibs. pssst. yo biebs. its a mistake, man.
7:57 PM Jun 28th  


go fuck yourself, sweetheart. RT @BieberEcuador: @therealelp Follow me?i follow back
7:55 PM Jun 28th 


hey @justinbieber ... seriously man... are you sure about all of this? like... really sure?
7:53 PM Jun 28th 


hey @justinbieber have you started to notice that everyone wants something from you yet? do they even care? think about it.
7:49 PM Jun 28th 


hey @justinbieber are sure your mom is earning her keep? if i were you i would watch her VERY CLOSELY.
7:33 PM Jun 28th 


hey @justinbieber , have you discovered cocaine and hookers yet?
Source: El-P

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