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Entries in Meme (3)


Commercial Break: The 'Antoine Dodson' Thing Is Done

Trying to remember every event that occurred in one month is a feat, but trying to remember a year's worth is damn taxing. One thing is for sure, I can rest easy knowing that Antoine Dodson, within one year, stole the hearts of the average Youtube viewer. Within that same year, the media and sites like this have managed to make the charming Dodson one of the most over-used memes in the history of 'memery'. So it is with a heavy heart that I say, "Antoine Dodson, your 15-minutes of fame are up."

Sidenote: Don't know what's worse, this song or the fact that this is the go-to ad for the George Lopez show.



Oh I'm Sorry, I Didn't See You There...

Me And Keanu Relate. Sometimes You Have To Take Time Out And Eat A Donut On A Park Bench.
The lurkers are getting restless [so I'm assuming]. I haven't been posting much in the past couple weeks. "But Why?" The three of you ask.  Because I've been too busy writing. Watching movies and playing 'dem vidya' games.  Well, I do that all the time, but honestly I just needed a break. Life's been really crazy and fun on this end of the keyboard and I needed to realize I was missing a world out there. That and I've been planning the August 8th, 2010 Brog Anniversary posting. The likes of which could mean full-blown armageddon for this very internet in which you are surfing upon.
In the mean time...enjoy these Keanu Chops.

You're Probably Wondering How El-P Linked Up With Justin Bieber...

Above is the now infamous song. A remix of Justin Bieber's "Baby." Its great. Enjoy it. I was going to make it the song of the day in my other blog post but this kind of deserves the back story. You know the strange thing about Twitter is actually what occasionally turns me off to the AD/HD oriented website.


Instant access to anything is a tweet away. For no reason other than the man's own amusement, famed hiphop producer El-P decided to share 'questionible advice' with The Biebs. Below is a small segment of how all of this happened. In tweet form [yuck...sickens me to even type the word]. The highlighted text are what pushes this whole thing over the edge and boom...classic remix.
Update 07-04-10 12:35 : If you'd like the actual .mp3 go here [while link is still active]: Justin Bieber - Baby [El-P Death Mix]


Relevant history after the jump.

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