Short Documentary: The Death & Life Of Radiotron

TRACES NO.1: YOUTH BREAK CENTER, INC. / RADIOTRON from maya santos on Vimeo.
An event, I've always wanted to photograph and participate in Radiotron. I only knew of it via VHS tapes [and now DVDs]. I remember talking to West Coast bboys and bgirls years back, who said there has always been a movement to continue throwing events and gatherings in the name of Radiotron. Though the original building has been destroyed and turned into a strip mall, the people who truly care about keeping a community are still doing great things [].
As a child growing up in the inner-city in the Midwest, my second home was a community center. It was a sad day when my old neighborhood lost that safe place. So I think it's especially important to remember, in any of your creative endeavors, that communities like this -- still exist.
You could see this as a depressing documentary. There is a great deal here that Carmelo Alvarez and many others worked hard to maintain. It won't be the same. But there are still people willing to film, the aftermath. There are still dancers throwing events and sharing stories of how it use to be. I think there is still worth here.
I'd like to think the more people who recognize how great something like Radiotron was, would be inspired to create something, anything, with intents of helping a younger generation. It's really easy to be cynical. We're losing libraries, community centers and public schools. It's a lot harder to be inspired and initiate personal change. I'm hoping anyone who sees this feels motivated to do so.
Source: Form Follows Function &

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