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Entries in Entertainment (133)


The Niggering Of Grand Theft Auto V

They will show characters you have no agency over and speak for you when you cannot talk 

As a preface, I really stewed over the title of this piece. I concluded, that if a billion dollars worth of people are eager to hear this word, hundreds of times in a video game, then why socially veil it behind “the n-word?”


I’m writing this because I’m truly conflicted about that word -- because I use it. I use it in private company. I listen to it in my preferred music. I see it in some of my favorite films. And now, I guess I have to get use to it in my video games.


Another vital point: as of me typing this, I have never played Grand Theft Auto V. I’ve played others, just not this one. I’ve been over a friend’s house and watched her play it for a few hours. I’ve watch a few live streams by critics and pals on the internet, but I haven’t [for whatever reason or many reasons] played this game.


This word isn’t new. The internet will tell me to not be surprised at Rockstar’s ability to have it’s finger on the pulse of such specific cultural witticism and casual slang-infused dialogue between their characters. Ever since hearing CJ shout it out of a speeding car in San Andreas in 2004, there was some sort of benchmark set here. A benchmark for the word, nigger.


It really stings to write that word versus saying it aloud. That word. Ugh. A word I use. A word I ‘joke’ with. A word I put the “a” at the end of to try and dilute the impact and its history. A word that, I majorly use around friends who so graciously let me pollute their ears with it. There is no excuse for me using it conversationally. There is no excuse for me using it at all. Knowing why I use it doesn’t give me a conscious feeling of maturity.


I’m use to using it. I’m use to poor, colored folks using it. I’m not use to it in video games. My brain, at times, doesn’t accept certain games beyond a toy image and this toy has traditionally been made by non-colored people in positions of power.


The elephant in the room is that in order to accept the image of colored folk in multi-dimensional roles they must adhere to a stereotype that makes their presence “more palatable.” Colored people in award winning films are: slaves, prisoners, whores, thugs, addicts, dimwits, clowns, violent1. Violent. Violent. In five months you will see nominations and awards given to a film called 12 Years A Slave. A film directed by a African-European. Film has had time to slowly mature and the rarity of having a black person direct a film involving black issues, colored people issues. This is something, I can only hope, the gaming culture can accomplish on just as large a scale.


Almost 10 years after hearing CJ use it in San Andreas. A character I was almost too happy to say represented shades of myself and family friends in my  … old neighborhood. There was also this feeling, even at 21 -- a “mature gamer,” that I was playing something so edgy that my mom shouldn’t know about it. She wouldn’t get it. The very black woman who brought me into this world, who’d raised me on her own -- who showed me how to play Ms. Pac Man, wouldn’t get it.


I guess we all were dumb kids at some point.


This character, CJ, represented so much and held so much weight in GTA: San Andreas [even though you could send him on murderous rampages and have him beat up women] he was written to not only use that word, but to be an attempt at a three-dimensional person of color. A person from poverty who had tired of his gangbanging days and wanted out of the Los Angeles inspired, Los Santos.

GTA V hopes to depict a naturalistic depiction of Franklin and his friend Lamar. While using problematic language is accepted in the GTA franchise, I worry if showing aspects of culture in GTA while encouraging violence as a means of escaping poverty is concerning.


There is this part of me that I’m not allowing to mature. I’m not letting go of that word and I think writing this whole thing out will help, in some way, process if I ever will. Either that or there will be several family members and friends on the internet giving me what-for, I expect mom to be the first to slap me. Form a line behind her.


Here’s where my logic becomes something unrelatable to many. I feel, especially after the word’s use in several games since San Andreas and now with casual conversation between Lamar2 and Franklin. I don’t know why this has to exist in GTA games anymore. I also feel, after the recent revelation that more people are currently playing GTA V than any game on Earth [for the time being], that if more people see this word used in casual conversation -- that the word within this generation, loses meaning. Within that there is this idea, that I should prepare for more major game publishers to culturally cherry pick portions of us3, more so than they have already.


Semantic satiation. The act of using a word so many times that the word is just a sound you hear. Meaningless.  The psychological phrasing is semantic saturation, which may be more apt in a post-Dave Chappelle world. I also have to acknowledge that we live in an online connected community and as of me typing this, GTA V’s online features haven’t be turned on. When that happens, I’m wondering if my illogical hypothesis will bear fruit.


It’s not that I think having a game that has black people saying that word back and forth to one another will provoke others, in real life, to do as the Romans do. Because then we open the horrible conversation of “do video games cause…” when in reality, I’m not trying to be absolute in the result. But since CJ’s appearance in San Andreas, and the rise of violent video games being played by more people in an online capacity -- I’d be a liar if I didn’t say that there are more people on the internet calling me … that word.


A word, that I still use, but never online and never in mixed company. I still use it. And it disturbs me that a game that can’t -- won’t depict more minorities having casual conversation in their games is still willing to show these ‘attempts’ at semi-developed black men say one of the most hurtful words to one another to an audience that has spent decades co-opting and vulturing ethnic culture.


What perturbs me most, out of all of this, is that we see that there is so much good possible within games culture by looking at the most recent Grand Theft Auto games in the past decade. From depicting CJ as a thug who wants to escape his social caste system in San Andreas. From an Eastern Promises inspired Nico who immigrated from Russia to pursue the American Dream to find anything but. To The Ballad of Gay Tony, an attempt to feature a character who is gay, but is given more character development to the point of his sexual orientation being moot.


It would hurt less if these attempts weren’t made, but since they were we have to state the obvious. Rockstar is not capable of depicting the disenfranchised beyond established stereotypes. They will put women in sexually suggestive poses on their box covers, but not give a player the options of playing them in any story capacity. Rockstar is very capable of giving you an almost turn-by-turn realized virtual reality of Los Angeles in Los Santos. They can enthrall you with the many mechanics of violent outcomes of characters they’ve established as anti-heroes. They are not interested in showing these anti-heroes beyond a stereotype in a world they’ve so meticulously mimicked.


This fosters an audience of people who think things like this are funny. This makes me think that the language, the depictions, that word [THAT word] that Rockstar is so eager to display for hundreds of millions of dollars is merely just for that. And the glaring omission of anything meaningful, of women -- of their conversations? Is purposeful and that makes me upset. Nigger is not an edgy dialogue device to be encouraged in a game that isn’t interested in showing that word’s cause and effect.


I’m not a punch line to your joke.



1Apologies for the serial commas, but I really needed them.


2The character who plays Lamar is a comedian named Gerald “Slink” Johnson that I find funny [and problematic] and I’m happy he landed a pretty big role in one of this generation’s biggest games.


3By “us” I mean the royal “us.” The poor, LGBT and disabled. All forms of the intersectional society that remains the punch line of jokes and a plot-point to move an edgy story forward.




Fast & Furious 6 Altered My View On Sequels

They Throw Several Cars At A Jumbo Jet

My hope is that I can die in my late 90s having watched, some version of a Fast & Furious film in every year leading up to my timely demise. I’ve written a great deal about games with numbers after them. Snarking on the internet for less sequels.  I’d always championed the idea of experiencing something new, though I’m still not sure what that means. I think this is a concept I’d like to think applies to all forms of media. However, in the case of a Fast & Furious film, feelings must be altered. Maybe I need to change how I think about the concept of a sequel.


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Perspective -- First-Person 2D Puzzle-Platformer


*Puts fake book upon fake bookshelf*


Oh, Hi! I didn't see you there. You've probably been wondering what I've been up to. If you haven't, that hurts and how did your love turn to hate so fast?

In any event, things typically pick up for me writing-wise around this time of year. I don't know why, but I'm currently looking at 7 half-finished documents in Google. I've also been playing a fair amount of indie games, comic book reading and [thanks to the power outage], movie watching. You'll be learning about all those great adventures at a later date.

In the mean time, feel free to check out this innovative little nugget in the first-person vein. Students over at DigiPen Institute of Technology have crafted quite the artistic puzzler.

Instead of using the first-person perspective for shooting-stuff-or-dudes, this student team has used the mechanic to incorporate 2D puzzle aspects in a 3D environment. This pretty much opens up all kinds of doors as far as what else we can and should be doing with the technology available. The game is called, oddly enough, Perspective.

I think that's cool. More updates to come.

Source: DigiPen


Rochard -- The Rise Of The Effeminate Henchman?

One man, one woman, and where the f**k is that lisp coming from?!
So I started writing about games again. I figured with the blossoming flowers and sunny Mid-West days, it would be a great opportunity to avoid all of that, and the humans that come with it. It also doesn’t hurt that I played Rochard whilst getting over food poisoning. Rochard is, and I rarely use this word, weirdly delightful. It’s a little strange and the controls are a bit unwieldy, but this game is worth it. Then there’s the effeminate henchmen.

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Cabin In The Woods -- Great Movie, Or Greatest Movie?

Wait a minute, a movie that is both funny as it is terrifying? That's gotta be worth watching, right?
So Cabin In The Woods is the greatest movie of the year. No, I haven’t seen every movie released in previous months. Nor do I intend on seeing any other movies in the future. This is it. The last movie I’ll ever need to watch. It’s only fitting I watched this film after watching The Avengers. There should be some sort of barometer to gauge my tolerance of Whedon/Hemsworth exposure, but luckily this movie functioned as an adequate chaser.

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The Avengers -- The Best Movie, For Everyone Else

If anything, a nation of Mountain Dew drinkers now know what Shawarma is.

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Commercial Break: Quite Possibly The Ultimate Troll


Aside from watching video of G.G. Allin antagonizing his fans to the point of punching his face into a bloody pulp, what you are witnessing above is something made of numerous dreams [and possibly nightmares depending on your volume level].

I figured it's gonna take me a while to put up some of my more in-depth writings and ideas. So if any regular readers/stalkers of my little blog are wondering "where's them words at?" They are hiding in several Google documents being edited on daily basis. 

More to come, promise.


Commercial Break: Caine's Arcade 


Let this be a lesson in humility. Let this remind you of those days when it was just you, in a yard, with ideas. Let this ground you, because we weren't all popular. A lot of us were, or probably still are, the person that doesn't get to play with others often. We get so engulfed in whatever worlds we inhabit that it's really easy to believe that no one out there is paying attention.

Sometimes a little hardwork and solitude will bring great fortune. We can all do ourselves a service by sitting with our ideas, and really sticking with them.

Big thanks to director Nirvan Mullick and his reddit clan. For more about Caine's Arcade and his scholarship fund, go here.


Graphic Update: Joe The Barbarian

With moments of such honesty and self-awareness, it's a shame Joe The Barbarian's story is so clumsily inconsistent as it is poetic.

Joe The Barbarian isn’t my favorite comic. There is a middle-portion of the story that I found annoyingly boring. I kinda wanted to see a “Choose Your Own Adventure” segment of this book where the little runt dies. “Take that, kid with hypoglycemia and a newly dead, war veteran, father.”

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Short Documentary: The Death & Life Of Radiotron

TRACES NO.1: YOUTH BREAK CENTER, INC. / RADIOTRON from maya santos on Vimeo.


An event, I've always wanted to photograph and participate in Radiotron. I only knew of it via VHS tapes [and now DVDs]. I remember talking to West Coast bboys and bgirls years back, who said there has always been a movement to continue throwing events and gatherings in the name of Radiotron. Though the original building has been destroyed and turned into a strip mall, the people who truly care about keeping a community are still doing great things [].

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