Battle: L.A. Review -- The 1950's Called, They Want Their Aliens Back

I love to give props to well made videos and well thrown events. Props to both Thesis and Lancer. Thesis is clearly on another level as far as flow and the dance as a whole, but look at Lancer! Very technically sound, seen him flub a couple footwork steps, but he rolled with it and really surprised me with how in tune with the music he was.
Part 2 after the jump.
Bashville Stampede 4 Trailer from Brent Hopkins on Vimeo.
Thanks Qkong for throwing the event and I look forward to ANY event thrown in Nashville, TN. One of the funnest times I've had at a jam in a minute. Even if the music was at times quite suspect. Memories forever. And when I'm not trying to sift through videos on their site, Vimeo is actually pretty cool [as a viewer...not an uploader].
A good group of blokes who just seem to be popping up everywhere [as far as bboy events]. The clip above is a Prelminary battle of half of Battle Born 1 vs. Transitions Crew [another good crew comming up as well.
After the jump you'll see Battle Born battle the legendary Rocksteady Crew [in this case however, these are members from West Coast Rocksteady who are still a little new, but hungry]. They have to battle the other half of their crew to advance to the finals only to battle their state rivals in Knuckleheads Crew. A pretty tall order.
I'll try to put them in chronological order.
[Edit: I apologize for the sound the dj and emcee mic were up waaay to high so be advised to turn your speakers down before playing!]
Definitely a battle to look for. Two of my favs going toe-to-toe.
More after the jump...
"Fear For Your Puny Lives!"