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    Entries in Beyond Good & Evil (2)


    Beyond Good & Evil 2: I Just Want To Believe

    Old news, I'm a BG&E fan. If you haven't read my review [which points out the good and the flaws] please feel free to here. Furthermore, if you haven't played Beyond Good & Evil, what the 'effing' 'H' are you waiting for? It really is a great experience and one of the main reasons why I got 'back into' gaming. However, I have been seeing the trailer above for quite some time now and I have to say ... I'm a little bit peeved. Last year I wrote that the sequel was being put on hold for reasons not revealed to the public; or me for that matter. I've emailed and sent 8 x 10's of my portrait to Ubisoft and nothing! Then I realized, this is something I actually want...

    'Prototype' Gameplay Footage After The Jump

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    Currently Playing: Beyond Good & Evil PS2

    This Is A Slide From The 'Current Gen' BGE...I'm Psyched!

    Seeing as I just purchased a PS2 last year I'm throughly playing through all the games I missed.  At times its a chore [especially with Deus Ex], but with this game I have to say its been such a breeze.  After I get off of work I pop in the disc do a mission or two, or sometimes I'll race or play a quick sidequest.  I'm about halfway through and I really don't want it to end. Considering I've been very busy with my various jobs it has taken me about a month to make it this far. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

    After the jump yet another cosplayer...

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