Commercial Break: Cat Functions As Allegory For New Media

What photo were you looking at when you decided you wanted to make the John Malkovich lion?
So here's the deal, I'm writing up a review of things that have happened to me in the past week. This encompasses my experience with a certain ape-oriented film as well as my San Diego trip. No, I'm not trying to combine the two into one confusing, yet intriguing article. I've actually taken ill in quite a way.
It also doesn't help my recovery, that my body has been enduring quite the heatwave in Columbus. A.K.A. The Humid City With All The Fat Humids. I'm begging you to stay with me here. The next couple articles [this included] will be drug induced [Theraflu to the rescue!].
This being said, I rarely "laugh-cry" and pee my pants while viewing the internet. And it's an even rarer occurrance that I admit to said act via said medium. But, what you see above and the images you'll see below are a new kind of funny that my body involuntarily seizes up in laughter/horror.
So it's been a week since I've posted. I've been holding out on ya Internet. Don't fret, it's all part of my plan of making the times I do post that much more special, and mildly confusing. Let's be honest, that last post was a bit heavy.
Today's topic: Animals are weird to me. I'm pretty sure if I was in the jungle with 99.9 percent of any animal, I'd managed to end up dead and partially eaten.
I say partially, in the case of an animal that just wants to kill me and not devour my [assumed] delicious hind quarters.
Below you'll find more inspiring images from our animal friends, that will not only brighten your day, but hopefully encourage you to make the most of it. Why? Dude there's a hawk eating out of some Nepalese guy's hand. Now quit reading and get to watchin'!
"Fear For Your Puny Lives!"