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    Entries in cinema (3)


    Let The Right One In: Review

    After A Mean Game Of Simon Says...



    This year has been weird for foreign and indie flicks in my little city of Columbus. We have a couple theaters [literally] that play foreign releases months after they've been released. I'm not complaining; I'm happy I can see anything cool in this city without having to drive miles to make the showing time. Something really strange about this particular movie. Let The Right One In [Lat Den Ratte Komma In] was being shown at a pretty mainstream theatre around my hood. This is notable because: A) This is awesome B) What does this mean for my other local theaters that supposedly 'specialize' in getting the latest indie or foreign cinema?

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    New Watchmen Trailer: Now With 10% More Awesome

    It's no secret that I've been naysaying the Watchmen movie. I think it is going to be tremendous eye-candy, much like '300' was. I will say this, this new trailer looks awful-ly sweet.  There are costume quirks that differ from the novel that I'm still coming to terms with.


    Tell No One? But It's So Good...

    Wow...that is all i can say...

    [review to come later]

    go see this movie.

    Review after the jump

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