Palm Pre: You Guys Really Like This?

It's like a G1 & iPhone really isn't.
So CES was a big snoozefest for the most part. Sony 3D is making some noise, but really if I wanted to play games in 3D I'd probably be one of those people who re-watches The Lawnmowerman for secret messages about the Hale-Bopp comet. The biggest news to come out of CES this year was the Palm Pre, which buy all accounts by major tech media outlets is Palm's last 'hurrah'. Most palm devices have been reduced to people who really have a problem dettaching themselves from outdated, branded technology like the BetaMax and Friendster.
I will admit that I am intrigued by Palm's last ditch effort to save their company in 'these troubling times', but it's Palm. I have a feeling it will be released with some form of/or innability to connect to whatever device you plug it into. It will be large enough to be clunky and a pocket bulge, but small enough to where using it causes you to squint and hold it close to your already frowned face. While all the tech heads are fawning over it, I'd like to say it is way to damn early to be fawning over this flimsy looking device