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Entries in 2009 (3)


Seasons Beating IV: Daigo vs Justin - The Aftermath

This event was something no thread or internet streaming video could truly capture.  Even I could not capture the entire run of every tournament, but when I was at Seasons Beatings IV; I took in as much information as possible.  There were games, that up until now, I had not seen high-level play and when I did catch the classic Sanford Kelly versus Justin Wong matches; these matches went beyond my expectations. This was a wake up call. A huge wake up call to the fighting community as a whole. Street Fighter IV has indeed arrived and is a game with comparable depth to it's predecessors. There was/is resistance when talking to veteran players about Street Fighter IV [even I was and still am a naysayer], but after this tourney and this year's EVO; Street Fighter has earned its spot as one of the premiere, high-level tournament fighting games.

While I was there I took some photos, not my best day, but I tried to capture the essence.

Below Is video of the Street Fighter IV: Grand Final. Justin Wong vs. Umehara Daigo.  The Final Set [Daigo won the first]

After the jump [Results/Opinions/Photos/Marvel vs Capcom 2: Justin vs Sanford Grand Final]

Click to read more ...


Hundreds of Pics From Bashville Stampede 5



The photos have finally been uploaded. I didn't edit out the terrible ones, so good luck weeding through and finding yourself! Photobucket uploaded them out of order too, by putting the end of the event at the beginning AND the end of the album. Hope it isn't too confusing. I'll be weeding through them periodically and putting them up on my Flickr more updates to come!

Edit: To view the album click the slideshow or 'View All'


Palm Pre: You Guys Really Like This?

It's like a G1 & iPhone really isn't.
So CES was a big snoozefest for the most part.  Sony 3D is making some noise, but really if I wanted to play games in 3D I'd probably be one of those people who re-watches The Lawnmowerman for secret messages about the Hale-Bopp comet.  The biggest news to come out of CES this year was the Palm Pre, which buy all accounts by major tech media outlets is Palm's last 'hurrah'.  Most palm devices have been reduced to people who really have a problem dettaching themselves from outdated, branded technology like the BetaMax and Friendster.

I will admit that I am intrigued by Palm's last ditch effort to save their company in 'these troubling times', but it's Palm. I have a feeling it will be released with some form of/or innability to connect to whatever device you plug it into.  It will be large enough to be clunky and a pocket bulge, but small enough to where using it causes you to squint and hold it close to your already frowned face.  While all the tech heads are fawning over it, I'd like to say it is way to damn early to be fawning over this flimsy looking device
