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    Entries in rant (2)


    Letter To Microsoft, "If It Aint Broke, Just Wait"

    Microsoft, step into my office for a second,its time for a progress report. A couple weeks ago I wrote a letter to Sony and this week its time for a come to Jesus moment with the direction of Microsoft as a gaming company. You are fighting a tough battle in the games industry, but it is a battle you are winning by the hair of your green teeth. You manage to excel both Sony, Nintendo, and your idiot savant brother -- the PC two-fold by not only procuring one of the worst online communities, but you have managed to sell ketchup to a woman wearing white gloves with that overpriced box of plastics and toxic chemicals. Microsoft, you pretty much have to extend the life of the 360. Why? Who would be willing to buy a new console given the history of stability with the previous two?

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    Vote "No" On Politics - Depend On Brog

    Vote Morbo

    Although I've been known to go on a political binge from time to time...

    Okay...more often than not, you can find me trolling some [insert politician name here], but with my recent feelings on American politics and the current electoral process [and various other processes]. You can rest assured that this blog will be as 'a-political' as possible.  If anything I'll keep to a minimum the foibles of both sides. Honestly, if you aren't voting for Morbo the Great then why be a politician?

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