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    Entries in Sculpture (3)


    Art You Might Hate: Pinkroad by Limee Young + U Joo

    Many thanks to Colossal for pointing me in the direction of this power couple. Husband and wife duo, Limee Young and U Joo are a pretty cool team. I've been studying a lot on kinetic art, and sculpture specifically, Limee Young's name kept popping up.

    Imagine my surprise when I ventured to their site and noticed some pretty amazing paintings, illustrations and video of their meticulous works.

    I've always been interested in the construction of kinetic sculpture. I use to build robots for crying out loud! But this? This is a little over my head. The whole idea of kinetic sculpture is reliant on either wind energy, a standalone electricity source, or an artist having an active hand in how the kinetic energy is stored. Like being on a seesaw, but an amazingly beautiful and complex machine is on the other end of the plank.

    So in these videos, you are seeing machines function because of liquid, weight and equal amounts of pushing and pulling on joints. Depending on how far a joint moves a microprocessor on a circuit board uses the energy generated to tell another joint to move. Or in the above video's case, a processor is telling a joint to move back, while the kinetic energy stored in the joints are telling it to move forward. This is as best as I can describe the very little I understand.

    I thought I was getting closer to understanding kinetic art, but this work is proof I'm no where near comprehension. It's truly amazing work. After the jump is more stills, illustrations and videos. Thanks for the inspiration U_Joo and Lim!


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    Artist: Alex CF - Cryptozoology Assemblage Artist

    Trust Me There's More...

    Go to his site.  The guy is wicked smart and it shows with meticulously detailed his work is.  I'm guaranteed to have a couple of necrophillic nightmares tonight.


    Artist O' The Day - Justin Aerni

    Man...i'm very close to puking right now...

    In the spirit of Halloween, what would this years peak Autumn Holiday [HA! Take that Thanksgiving Day] be without some eerie and creepy visuals.  Justin Aerni is an awesome photography, but I had NO idea he was into sculptures as much as he was/is! More specifically, baby heads? And the many variations of said baby heads.

    After The Jump [his site] and more baby heads!

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