Commercial Break: Classics Of Games = Amazing

The youtube channel Classics of Games has been keeping me company this morning while I sift through angry e-mails and comments about how, 'I'm gay for not liking inFamous.' Yup, this is how we are spending our Fourth of July morning folks.
Let's put a positive spin on this. Classics of Games is a collection of [perfectly sized] excerpts from video games, that kind of encompass the constant struggle between what makes a game useless and what makes a game stand the test of time. [I dare you to un-see the Jackie Chan fighting game]
After the jump are a select few that made me smile on a day where I'm supposed to be telling mom about, "how gay I must be." Yeah, let's put that one on the refrigerator.
Favorite Part: Apparently there is a monkey on that boat and it's loud as s**t.
Favorite Part: It'd be real easy to point out how hilarious an outfit both Jackie Chan and his inferior footsie partner have on, but that laugh at the end...gets me every time.
Favorite Part: That I finally found a NES Punch-Out clone. It only took me 20 years! Love those manly sound effects and the canned audience ambiance. Only an 8-meg ROM can give you that kind of power.
Favorite Part: What the hell is this? Are you just really tiny or are the babies huge? Does this mean that the [Pac Man] ghost-like creatures, that bump into you and quietly walk away [only to bump into you later] are, like, the size of pueblos?
Favorite Part: Last but not least, 8 and 16-bit era games have their issues, but none more prevalent in this age of 3-D. Feast your eyes as a player runs in to a tree and seemingly is unaffected by the collision, only to run into another tree and...have a seizure. True to life.