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    Entries in E3 2009 (2)


    Twitter Didn't Kill E3...You Did.

    Last week, I never heard so many journalist complain about one unison.  "If it weren't for Twitter, E3 would have had a much bigger impact on me." The reality is, because of the internet as a whole, leaks and breaking news have been scooping our witty, games enthusiast scoopers.  It is great to see the spectacle that is E3 return, but in all honesty, in this age of 'nowism' [wanting to know everything instantly even at the cost of accuracy] how can a microblogging site like Twitter be the fault of the leaks which were going to leak baring the sites existence?

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    The E3 Trailer Brog. [Updated 6-5!]



    With compliments from and my non-willingness to get 8 hours of sleep.  I've made a brog dedicated to the trailers and videos released from the major companies at E3.  As of right now I have: Microsoft, EA, and Ubisoft's releases below.  Later on tonight I'll be updating this brog with Sony and Nintendo's extravaganza of wankerdom.  Sorry, I'm kinda sullied on going to E3 now.  So glad to watch the live stream. It just seems like one of the worst kind of marketing cavalcades anyone could attend.  Example: Did you see the Ubisoft press conference? No human should have to endure that for a two minute game trailer sequel.

    I've sectioned off the Weird Stuff, The Multiplatform titles and The Exclusives.  Let's start this off with what I think the biggest trailer of E3 2009...


    ***Update [6-3-09]: Well folks that should just about do it! I updated all the video I could find [from Joystiq] and all of the major announcements, barring a couple handheld gems, should be below!***

    [more after the jump]


    Star Wars: Old Republic [PC?/360?/PS3?]. I said it once I'll say it again...I'm not into MMO's, but this trailer is pure crack. I didn't see which consoles SW:OR is being developed, but one can only assume it is coming out for PC. It would be interesting to see a big branded MMO go to console.  Let's see how this one pans out...

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