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    Entries in Gran Turismo 5 (2)


    Personal Note: It's Been That Kind Of Week

    video via rickymachinima

    I try and keep the Brog PG-13, but sometimes a healthy f**k is good to squeeze out of the body every now and again. Don't worry, it won't become commonplace, but boy has the gaming world shown it's ugly side this week [again]. I probably haven't contributed to the healing process [pay no attention to my twitter feed]. I'd like to think at least writing this stuff down is a good piece of therapy. It's just unfortunate that when I do bitch about the pitfalls of this culture I'm met with "you know this is par for the course, right?"

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    Is Capitalism Devolving Games?

    In an age where the games industry is one of the biggest cash cows, it seems only fitting that consumers should question the quality of products sold. What happens when companies do just enough to appease the general gamer?
    Before you dart down to the comment section of this article and begin feverishly typing prior to reading, it should be said that I’m an avid supporter of most [not all] forms of capitalism. However, as this term applies to the games industry, I think its a pretty rotten time for consumers. Though there are small glimmers of the games industry doing right by the developers and gamer, this era marks an odd turn. Bethesda, Lionhead and now Polyphony Digital studios were the first group of studios to spark my interest in this new development. Capitalism typically thrives off of the quality of a product. Traditionally, if the consumer has qualms with the product there is an outlet in which they can be heard. Unfortunately, we live in an age where we can only vote with our dollar.

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