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    Entries in L4D2 (2)


    New Left 4 Dead 2 Trailer! [Yup...Looks Like Its Infected With Awesome]

    Thanks to Joystiq

    The video may contain too much plot details, so if you are that interested in the Left 4 Dead 2 narrative I would suggest getting your head checked. Thanks. Now more than ever you can totally tell that the black southern guy is 'Cutty' from the Wire. I can't NOT be siked about this game ... [which is more than I can say if I were an Austrailian fan] so I may need skeptics out there to comment on how the game looks exactly like the first one and that it is not worth paying another 60 dollars for a game that "should" be downloadible content. Yeah...still siked!


    The Left 4 Dead 2 Conundrum

    Only on the internet are you going to get such a passionate furor over a game that has yet to be released. One of the bigger surprises at this year's E3 event was that Valve's new born baby [as of last year November], Left 4 Dead, would be getting a sequel by November this year. Battle lines have be drawn. Pitchforks are sharpened and raised. Go on over to the Steam forums and take a good look at what the mere announcing of a sequel can cause fans [on both sides] to take some pretty bold stances. On one end there are dedicated fans who have one 100% faith that if and when Left 4 Dead 2 comes out, it will be a quality product. On the other end of the spectrum, there are gamers who demand that Left 4 Dead continue to be fully supported and that the sequel be postponed until a later date or otherwise released for free or as an add-on or a paid expansion pack.

    [After the jump video of Left 4 Dead 2 gameplay & trailer]

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