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Entries in valve (6)


Video: Portal -- No Escape by Dan Trachtenberg 

Probably the most apt thing I could watch prior to getting on a plane. Ever get that feeling that the environment around you isn't where you need to be? If only we had some handy Apeture science handy to get us out of this place. 

Did you watch all the way to the end? Did the directors name seem familiar? If it doesn't then I implore you to check out Dan Trachtenberg's work on the Totally Rad Show. He's usually the guy I'm vehemently disagreeing with [from the comfort of my own home] whenever they do a movie review. I knew he did commercials on occassion, but this, this, is something that wholly in a league of it's own.

So big props. And with this posting...


I'll see you aligators, much later.


Fan Video -- Team Fortress 2: Sentry Sabotage


I'm posting a fan video for a video game that came out close to five years ago. I'm that guy. 

Usually a good rule to follow is that when someone says, "Hey I made a video about this video game I like." Chances are you need to break all ties with this person and post the unintentionally hilarious video on several social network sites. That is, if it's terrible and you're a terrible person who takes pleasure in something like that. I know I don't...

In the many years Valve's Team Fortress 2 has been availible on console and PC, plenty of fan videos, 'drawrings', maybe even macrame patterns have been dedicated to the game. Turns out these nerds who play video games may also harbor some form of a highly skilled, artistic background.

Enjoy this video, it comes from a community that cares.


P.S. How true-to-life was that sniper offing a cloaked spy? Very.


New Left 4 Dead 2 Trailer! [Yup...Looks Like Its Infected With Awesome]

Thanks to Joystiq

The video may contain too much plot details, so if you are that interested in the Left 4 Dead 2 narrative I would suggest getting your head checked. Thanks. Now more than ever you can totally tell that the black southern guy is 'Cutty' from the Wire. I can't NOT be siked about this game ... [which is more than I can say if I were an Austrailian fan] so I may need skeptics out there to comment on how the game looks exactly like the first one and that it is not worth paying another 60 dollars for a game that "should" be downloadible content. Yeah...still siked!


Video: Gabe Newell on Left 4 Dead[2] and The PS3

Props to Geoff Keigley and the awesome staff over at Gametrailers for this segment. And what a segment it was [I apologize for all the 'videogamey commercial breaks], but Gabe gabbing about my favorite PC game is always going to make news on this part of the brog. 

What is unfortunate to see is the lack of PS3 support. It isn't surprising, it isn't even something I blame him for, but out of all the beans he was willing to spill about showing interest in Wii and Natal to say 'No, we are not actively developing for the PS3' is pretty damn awful.


The Left 4 Dead 2 Conundrum

Only on the internet are you going to get such a passionate furor over a game that has yet to be released. One of the bigger surprises at this year's E3 event was that Valve's new born baby [as of last year November], Left 4 Dead, would be getting a sequel by November this year. Battle lines have be drawn. Pitchforks are sharpened and raised. Go on over to the Steam forums and take a good look at what the mere announcing of a sequel can cause fans [on both sides] to take some pretty bold stances. On one end there are dedicated fans who have one 100% faith that if and when Left 4 Dead 2 comes out, it will be a quality product. On the other end of the spectrum, there are gamers who demand that Left 4 Dead continue to be fully supported and that the sequel be postponed until a later date or otherwise released for free or as an add-on or a paid expansion pack.

[After the jump video of Left 4 Dead 2 gameplay & trailer]

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Left 4 Dead 2 - Oh Boy was just announced earlier today during the Microsoft press conference during this year's E3 expo.  For a while I relished not being there in the shark tank vying for a good position or time with developers to score an interview. I gotta say, this trailer had me second guessing.  This was a big surprise considering Left 4 Dead just came out at the end of last year also there was a substantial update last month, so it too soon? Don't know, but after the jump is the company shpiel as to what the background of the sequel entails and how it compares to its predecessor.


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