Commercial Break: Battlefield 3 Griefing

Supposedly this is a semi-close to gold release of the Battlefield 3 game. Not the beta that everyone [including myself] has been complaining about. I do enjoy a good greifing session. Apparently, the user had time to play the multiplayer mode with DICE employees prior to the game's release and decided to record himself annoying his teammates. This is all speculation, but judging by the map and the way the game looks, I'd be willing to believe this is true.
However, if there was a DICE employee that called the player the n-word. Yo bro, dat ain't cool. Hopefully the game is as fun as the griefing appears to be. Arthur over at Joystiq is dispelling rabble-rousing gamer's beliefs that the beta is a direct reflection of the finished product.
Props to Mike Nelson for finding this vid and BF3 Grief for posting it.