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    NSFW Video: I'm Sorry, But What Did You Just Say?

    "When in doubt sound it out!" Also, I love the dads reaction post-spelling.

    Something tells me I could make a 'Kanye Quotes' post in the not-to-distant future.

    So I guess this is the new internet sensation..."The Millionaires", yup...looks like were are almost done with the internet.


    Tetris Grand Master 3 Player Destroys Your Life

    So I'm watching this right...and i've seen a far amount of Tetris players in my day, the first couple minutes are pretty standard.  Then the speed increases and I realize that everything in my life fails in comparison to what this young man [i'm assuming] is doing. Then it goes invisible and I just started crying...


    Final Fantasy XIII: Now With Rediculous Looking Black Man

    "Oh You Mad Cuz I'm Stylin' On Ya?"

    According to weekly Famitsu and thanks to Majed Athab (ps3fanboy), we have finally done it SquareEnix! I thought ridiculous looking black men created by japanese art designers reached their apex with Barrett Wallace. Tetsuya Nomura is known in the JRPG world for creating ridiculous looking white, asian and I guess even a Samoan character with funny looking hairdos. Meet Sazh Kalzroy...according to Majed:

    So far, we know a few things about Sazh. He likes the color green, wields two pistol-like weapons and has a soft spot for Chocobos.

    Hey...i know its video game, let alone an RPG, but shouldn't we have a games industry version of a Sidney Poitier? Someone to let designers know: "Hey...this isn't racist or anything it's just really ridiculous looking.  Why not give him a normal hairstyle and a big ass chain so us blacks can support a character we relate to more."

    Yeah...I'm pretty sure Sidney Poitier would say it just like that...

    word for word.


    Palm Pre: You Guys Really Like This?

    It's like a G1 & iPhone really isn't.
    So CES was a big snoozefest for the most part.  Sony 3D is making some noise, but really if I wanted to play games in 3D I'd probably be one of those people who re-watches The Lawnmowerman for secret messages about the Hale-Bopp comet.  The biggest news to come out of CES this year was the Palm Pre, which buy all accounts by major tech media outlets is Palm's last 'hurrah'.  Most palm devices have been reduced to people who really have a problem dettaching themselves from outdated, branded technology like the BetaMax and Friendster.

    I will admit that I am intrigued by Palm's last ditch effort to save their company in 'these troubling times', but it's Palm. I have a feeling it will be released with some form of/or innability to connect to whatever device you plug it into.  It will be large enough to be clunky and a pocket bulge, but small enough to where using it causes you to squint and hold it close to your already frowned face.  While all the tech heads are fawning over it, I'd like to say it is way to damn early to be fawning over this flimsy looking device



    The Unborn: Makes Me Pray For More Abortions

    It's Not The Uninvited...I Promise!

    This is the worse movie I have seen in 2009.  Granted we are only two weeks into the year and I have only seen one other movie in this year [ to come soon...still brewing]. Be that as it may, the Unborn is by far one of the worse movies, absolutely-laughably awful theatrical releases I have seen in quite sometime. Fortunatly, the rest of this review will cover the 'hilarious' aspects of this terrible feature.  Its all about pointing out the silver linings...I still have no idea what I will award this flick.

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    Sweet Jesus On A Slolom

    Thank you Shawn Elliot's Twitter.  I know now what I must do to get closer to my Lord.  Also...did anybody hear the music in the background? awesome was that?!


    It's been a long week. How about a terribly long post with Gary Busey chops?!

    A Legend Of Bear Proportions

    Honestly...this hasn't been my best week.  I was supposed to cool some studio photo equipment.  Get my event and schedule lined up...none...literally NONE of that has happened or occurred.  Its up the many photochops of Mr. Gary Busey to salvage an already broken week.  For those of you having a tough week or just need something to cool your soul...let the gentle visage of all things Busey calm your bones.


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    Zangief Chronicles via Joystiq! I mean...I really am pretty touched by this. Props to Andrew Yoon & Joystiq for posting this.


    Why Am I On A Sarah Vowell Kick?


    I don't know why...out of all [busy]days I've chosen to listen to one of the most boringest people on the Earth! Her history game is on point though.  I'm finding that she needs to speak with more slang.  Slipping in the occasional 'aight' and 'yo' would give her that cross over appeal to a listening audience that doesn't want to go to sleep to her voice.  Below...some selected entries of Miss Vowell

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    1up & The Aftermath [not Dr. Dre Related]

    Updated on Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 9:16AM by Registered CommenterIsaiah T. Taylor

    Updated on Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 9:24AM by Registered CommenterIsaiah T. Taylor 


    Firstly, I think I speak for many when I say a big ole...Thank you! Thank you Thank you EGM [i think my first issue was when I was in 6th or 7th grade! When I went back home for the holidays I thumbed through some old issues.]. Thank you Alumni who have proven that post guys truly are 'them dudes'.

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