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    Artist: Alex CF - Cryptozoology Assemblage Artist

    Trust Me There's More...

    Go to his site.  The guy is wicked smart and it shows with meticulously detailed his work is.  I'm guaranteed to have a couple of necrophillic nightmares tonight.


    Artist: Juan Cabana - Oceanic Art


    The Ocean Pixy

    Be amazed [and kinda weirded out], by the beautiful constructs of Juan Cabana. You know I never thought I had a fetish for mermaids...until now.


    Cresente & Hsu On G4 giving the straight dope

    Seconding the LBP let down. I just thought it was going to be more than it was.  But thanks to DLC...hopefully the damn thing will grow some legs and become interesting [cough*PS Home*cough].


    Video: Voldo Dance

    Thanks to the wonderful guys @ soulsingapore and Shawn Elliot's twitter...because without really isn't worth living.


    Play Left 4 Dead w/ Tourettes Guy Soundpack

    Reason No. 48 Left For Dead is one of the best games of the year.


    "Diaria Prank" - Note The Spelling


    Happy Holidays From The Brog

    Updated on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 3:05PM by Registered CommenterIsaiah T. Taylor

    Updated on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 3:08PM by Registered CommenterIsaiah T. Taylor

    From The Man & The Myth

    More giffery after the jump...

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    Fears Of The Dark: Review


    Although a great deal of movies completely fell short of being entertaining this year. There were pockets of brilliance this year. Even stranger would be a great deal of great features this year were of the animated persuasion. The larger more mainstream titles this year: Wall-E and Kung Fu Panda were great even for there kid and family friendly-ness. As far as independent movies there were plenty this year, but most notably would be the graphic novel adaptation of Persepolis. Though it was nominated last year, it came out this year with a moderate amount of buzz.


    Fears of The Dark follows in similar steps as Persepolis. Where we have a movie with incredibly capable animators and storytellers, but with their varied backgrounds you can't help but think will a work like this be cohesive?

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    Juggalo Baby Funeral Finally Addressed

    A Now Famous Picture...Now The Issue Is Addressed

    I'll be the first person to cop to poking a little fun at the image above.  I mean once it is on the internet and was popping up on thread after thread...what was I supposed to the lady and say "Although I do find this manner of burial quite humorous and your lifestyle confusing...I'm sorry for your loss?!" Nah, that just won't fly.  But what happens when a local radio host finally catches up to the mother of her now dearly departed daughter.  Well...I guess you just got to listen to believe this one.

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    Batman: Arkham Asylum Trailer


    I know it is just a trailer, but I just got slightly more excited for this game.  Looks pretty damn dark.  Not really cool with most of the character designs, but the Joker looks great!