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    Blame Shawn Elliot's Twitter...


    Sir Shawn Elliot and A Then Underling Miss Sanchez

    If I don't complete any of my assignments or becoming utterly useless at work it is because of this man's twitter page. The clips, the photos, the news stories all these things [even the not safe for work ish] have caused my eyes to wander all over the sexy body that is, the internet.  Note: You should know that the clips and links labeled 'nsfw' have either nudity or adult content within it so be warned.

    Here...lets start soft...

    Getting all SpeedFit

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    Stripping Teacher or Stripper Dressed Like A Teacher?

    So there are two conflicting stories here.  One is that this is a teacher who is celebrating the last day of school and a part of some sort of Hungarian, high school teacher exhibition [and there just happens to be a cellphone camera ready just before she starts dancing? Not likely, but still possible].

    The more plausible, but still slightly disturbing story would be that it was a young man's 16th birthday and his mother decided to hire a guy in a gorilla suit and strip out of said gorilla suit at the young man's school.  According to the United Kingdom's The Sun, the boy's drama teacher was in on it and agreed to record it [which would explain how the stripper got the venue and why the camera was so 'Johnny-on-the-Spot']. There must have been a certain degree of miscomunication, because instead of a guy in a gorilla suit; the boy gets a stripper dressed as a teacher. Who are we to believe here? The person who posted this video? Or the UK tabloid?

    Either Way...Best Birthday Ever!


    New Watchmen Trailer: Now With 10% More Awesome

    It's no secret that I've been naysaying the Watchmen movie. I think it is going to be tremendous eye-candy, much like '300' was. I will say this, this new trailer looks awful-ly sweet.  There are costume quirks that differ from the novel that I'm still coming to terms with.


    Lil John vs Reveal @ Small Town Crook

    A couple weeks ago in what appears to be someone's lower deck or basement. Two, what I would call, legends battled in what appears to be the quarterfinals of this very small jam.  It really is one of the more random things I've seen a while in the scene.

    Hopefully More Vids To Come.


    Sega Genesis 20th Anniversary: A Week Later

    Remember The Bad Ole Days?

    Tuesday was the 20th anniversary of the Sega Genesis console. The first console I helped by with my own money with the use of odd jobs and random tasks.

    More gushings after the jumper...

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    Obama Is President: So What Happen's Next?

    I Think He Realizes How Awesome His Jacket Is

    With about 20 minutes of reflection today [it's been a busy week] I guess it wouldn't be TO out of character to make a little brog about the recent happenings in Ohio and to a larger extent, America.

    Dribble After the Break...

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    Women In Gaming: Jenn Tsao Leaves joins Sega

    I Tried To Post One With Her Son, But Flickr Didn't Let Me...

    If you have been reading the message boards of and NeoGAF then you wouldn't know how valuable a figure Jennifer Tsao really was at From the responses I've been seeing [in regards to the negative] most people merely saw her as a casual gaming mom who may not have had the background to be reviewing hardcore games. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is Tsao was a huge MMO/RPG nerd who did and still does host LAN parties. What's more important, is that when I was reading EGM & 1up in 2002-03 she was able to question the gaming industry as far as: how women are portrayed, how to include those that may be intimidated by the culture as well as how to have a hardcore gamer play something [good] that isn't a part of the norm.

    Jenn's last day was Oct. 31st and she bid everyone a fond farewell on a podcast she helped build and develop. She's leaving game journalism and heading over to the production side, where she will be working at Sega as Associate Creative Director for Family/Casual games. If you've been following Jenn's work for the past six years at 1up, then you know this is kind of a no-brainer opportunity. Just can't help but think how big of a loss this is for what with the most recent departures of Jeff and Shawn.

    More after the jumps...

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    Coosh Crash Test - Boogie Brats vs. Flo Mo

    Battle took place in Seattle, WA a couple weeks back. I think out of all the clips I've seen at this battle this one is definitely the hypest.  I'll try and post the rest of the Coosh Crash Test battles when I find more time.

    Edit: The battles are all up after the jump!


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    Freestyle Session 11 Year Annivesary - Snippet


    Props to Billy Bell for the editting...he's been documenting and filming bboying since well before I started dancing.


    Mighty4 Detroit < Russell Bazaar

    This weekend I was supposed to document the bboy event: Mighty 4: Detroit. For better or worse I'll try and keep from saying to much about the event seeing as I left early because it was so dirty and dusty my lungs and camera were at risk of suffering some sort of short-term and/or long-term damage.

    Various Bootlegs & MixtapesWhat I will talk about, is how great the Russell Bazaar is and how my little Columbus, OH should make strides of having a flea market/bazaar of this caliber.

    In regards to Mighty 4: Detroit, I have to show a little bit of leniancy for Detroit [but not that much]. I'd be happy if Detroit had another bboy jam and more than willing to go to ANY jam in Detroit that isn't DEMF [Detroit Electronic Music Festival]. I know how difficult it is to get a venue to do something like this and to have it guaranteed and locked down. But to not tell dancers/customers that the venue you have is old/abandoned/filthy and possibly hazardous to children...big fail.

    Mighty 4 had a great turnout [i think] especially seeing as how few jams Detroit throws on this level. The music was on, thanks to DJ Franco De Leon and DJ Lil Lean. I really hope Paulskee of Mighty4 and Detroit continue to throw jams like this just in a better spot.

    Now...let's get to the grand photos of the Russell Bazaar...

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