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    Finally Terrible Terry Tate Has Returned

    As of this posting...this is the most recent of the 'Return of Terry Tate' videos. After the jump are the rest of his newer videos.  I'd like to take some time to say...i was a huge fan of the Reebok commercials in which Terrible Terry took the internet and most offices by storm in order to get his name out there.  I believe the last time I seen this guy was in a Mathew Broderick movie...he played a pimp.

    [secretly i wanted him to spear Broderick...but that moment never came]

    After the jump more vids!

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    Video: "Synth Coke"

    Before I get back to the gaming and tech news...just thought I'd venture over to Shawn's Twitter page...and looks like dude is settled in to Boston and posting away.


    Season's Beatings III Photo Gallery Up! was legendary

    Thanks was a blast being there and learning a whole lot from playing and watching.  VDO's Rogue is ridiculous and Justin's Strider is insane! Got a new found interest in playing Guilty Gear [it really is difficult figuring out which version to invest a serious amount of time in if you're a noob].  Didn't get a chance to see the ends of Smash/CvS2/MvsC2 and all the rest! It really was a lot to cover, but it was fun doing it.  Hopefully next year I'll enter...

    Edit: Due to the tons of e-mail I've been getting about these photos...after the jump is a photobucket link to all the rest of the shots of SBIII [they are low-res and some...if not most of them...suck]

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    SNL: Palin Rap

    Saturday Night Live - Update: Palin Rap

    I know you want to look away, but you can't.  Props to Amy Poelher who's like 13 months preggers delivering both rhymes and bucks.  I have no idea what this weekend has done for Palin and the rest of the GOP's campaign, but I'm guessing it couldn't have hurt all that much. [shrugs]


    Seaons Beatings 3 : This Weekend!

    Who knew a gaming tourney could be so hood?

    This weekend I'll be casually playing the best players at fighters...EVAR! I'm pretty looks like this could be one of the biggest gaming tournaments on the planet. Don't believe me? Check the shoryuken thread. My good friend Fugee of Godlike Entertainment is throwing this for the third year and every year it seems to just get larger and larger. 

    After the jump...the other side of an awesome flyer...

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    Video - Is This What The Holy Ghost Looks Like?

    Yep...think I'll stay within a certain radius of all black churches...specifically those playing drum & bass during testimonials.


    New BioShock 2 Trailer At End Of BioShock On PS3

    I still think it is an odd thing to add to the PS3 version simply because it is 'this version'. Props to Videogaming 24/7 for posting this up.

    After the jump...The larger youtube version.

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    Video: Final Presidential Debate 2008

    Still haven't seen it yet...I hear both candidates simultaneously 'pulled their llamas out'.  Sorry, but if someone is going to get the key to this dirt I reside on...I can only hope they put a little fire and spirit into the job their applying for. For those of you who have not seen it and for those of you who just want to relive the magic of what seems to be a christmas time for three ringed circuses...Enjoy.


    Batman vs The Penguin : The Debate

    Funny how art [yea I said it] imitates life.  Sidenote: Isn't it odd to see 'Mickey' from Rocky as the Penguin now? Man...this videos effectiveness works on a lot of levels.


    Bboy Corner: Bashville Stampede 4 Trailer

    Bashville Stampede 4 Trailer from Brent Hopkins on Vimeo.

    Thanks Qkong for throwing the event and I look forward to ANY event thrown in Nashville, TN.  One of the funnest times I've had at a jam in a minute.  Even if the music was at times quite suspect.  Memories forever. And when I'm not trying to sift through videos on their site, Vimeo is actually pretty cool [as a viewer...not an uploader].