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    TGS 08: Ushiro, Tekken 6, Quantum Theory and more

    Props to Joystiq's Andrew Yoon for posting this. I guess TGS has been rolling on with a suitable amount of small surprises.  I'm guessing today was more so focused on developers and handhelds. Above is Level-5's Ushiro, a horror-themed RPG which looks pretty sweet as an animated feature alone...the game looks okay too.

    After The Jump: Tekken 6 Screens, Undead Knights hilarious trailer and Quantum Theory's trailer...

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    TGS 08: Clip Extravaganza!

    Updated on Monday, October 13, 2008 at 4:22PM by Registered CommenterIsaiah T. Taylor

    Why are 'Booth Companions' Necessary?

    Okay, I know what you're saying...well...if you are a guy I don't WANT to know what you're saying or thinking from looking at the image above.  If you are a're probably wondering why there are scantily clad women who look as if they have nothing else to do, but be scantily clad.  According to Brian Cresente of, these are Tokyo Game Show's 'Booth Companions'.  Necessary? No. Weird and Pervy? Yes! But I'm guessing it wouldn't be a gamer convention without a certain degree of 'pervocity'.

    After the Jump...The Full Halo 3: Recon Trailer, A Bayonetta Playthrough, Booth Companion Gallery...etc.

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    Full Video: Presidential Town Hall Debate

    More so a reminder for me...I still haven't seen it. I heard it was quite 'blah'. 


    Nintendo Wii: World Of Goo Yes, Raving Rabbids TV Party NO!

    I liked the first Raving Rabbids, but anything that's going to have you looking this ridiculous and also requires multiple peripherals [and ISN'T Rock Band] gets a big, leaky rolled-eye. could be good...but do want to find that out? No, well...not unless my girlfriend is playing it...then I'll join in...because I'm cooler than she is and no how to work computers.

    After the jump...something that actually looks good: The World Of Goo,

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    SNL: VP Debate Palin/Biden

    I will agree.  Fey does read script better than Palin, but I kind of wish the guy playing Biden would actually replace Biden, because 'actual Biden' is not so hilarious. Why is it always interesting to watch SNL around this time? SNL still a big way, but I can't help but believe these are the funniest 11 minutes of a hour and a half show.


    Kimbo Slice vs. Seth Petruzelli Full Video

    Something I've wanted to NOT happen for a while now.  I was willing to believe the hype.  I so wanted the EliteXC to succeed, but to use a person [who was also using this organization for personal gains as well] as the 'marquee' fighter of their organization seems massively shady.  Its something written on the walls in small print, but with neon lettering. Kimbo Slice is a brawler, so was Tank Abbot and to a certain extent Chuck Liddell.  The difference between Kimbo and those other legends, was that Kimbo was already dubbed a legend before being truly tested as one in the sport of MMA.  Tank and Chuck worked up the ranks of the MMA [in grand fashion] and have recovered from losses and have won the respect of their peers and in some cases their championship status.

    Conclusion after the jump...

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    Game Trailers/News: A Weeks Worth Of Crap

    Cosplayers: Because God Has Off Days Too...

    Seeing as its been a minute [or two] since I've posted anything...let alone all-things gaming related [which is REALLY odd]. I think I'll do a smorgasbord of [new/old] newsiness. Also, in the spirit of TGS being this week and me having two friends who are actually may see a fair amount of postings relating to whatever trickles out of one of the year's biggest conventions EVAR!

    After the jump...MadWorld, Cosplayers, Punch-Out Trailers, Palin Chops AND MORE

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    Top 10 Most Poisonous Animals

    I may post a follow up of photos of these great animals, but man...the Stone Fish? I never would have guessed.  I knew about the Blowfish and the Yellow Dart Frog, but the fish that looks like it was created from heaps of sea dung and the face of a heavyweight fighter after a 12 round bout, one of Earth's most dangerous creatures...Amazing.


    TEKNYC of Skill Methods Crew - Mighty 4 TV

    The Cypha Sniper himself.  Gives his view on bboying then, now and what could/should happen in the future with the culture. I think what is most interesting about this clip would be the combination of an actual cypher while Teknyc is giving you the run down of the culture.  A lot of clips on youtube and bboyworld don't really have a personal touch in regards to this type of dance. 


    GIMP 2.6 released and I'm playing with...

    It's like Photoshop...only bland to look at!

    I've heard about GIMP for years, but I have never tried it.  I have decided that paying for stuff sucks, which is what I've been doing for the past couple years with Adobe products.  I'm going to test out GIMP 2.6 in the next couple weeks so expect updates...and hell...i may even open up that photo gallery so cleverly hidden on this site!

    To read more about it...go here.

    To download [for free] go here.