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    Ohio Exclusive - Learn Where To Vote On Google Maps!

    Ohio...we clearly have waterfalls...

    Hey guys...just a friendly reminder. If you are registered voter but don't know the exact location as to where you are supposed to vote go to:

    And if you are not registered to vote...well get on of this posting in ohio alone you have 4 days to register by mail!

    Here's a good start:


    Ellen talks to McCain about Gay Marriage

    I'm not sure how current this is or when the show originally aired, but I just thought it was cool that Ellen has the 'status' now to have a presidential candidate on her show.  Here we see her pretty much lay out on the line why marriage is important to her, and McCain respectfully responds. I don't know [without getting all 'into it']...i just think something like this is pretty cool to see in America.


    David Jaffe On Brett Ratner On God Of War movie

    It is almost as if he is talking directly to all of us isn't it? David Jaffe, the creator of the popular game "God Of War", decided to respond to the early [and possibly hasty] announcement of Brett Ratner being the director of GOW the movie. It's tough seeing Sir Jaffe like this, all defensive and over-explanatory and whatnot. Apparently, we have learned nothing from a certain "Too Human" Developer.

    Honestly, most peoples' reactions to the news are quite genuine yet dramatic. Sentiments we are all hoping are found in Bratner's game-to-movie adaptation. It really is ridiculous that as soon as something like this announced, a 'nerd furor' erupts.  Moreover, people like Jaffe feel compelled to explain themselves. Why?


    Brett Ratner Making "God Of War" movie - Confirmed

    It Only Makes Sense That These Two Co-mingle Right?

    Well folks...get your canned Saus meat and AM radio and head to your nearest bomb shelter or shadowy corner of your basement. Brett Ratner [a.k.a. "Bratner"] has confirmed that he is working on God Of War the movie. With such stellar projects as the Rush Hour series and X3: The Last is no wonder as to why he gets yet another chance to ruin a perfectly good intellectual property*. So remember folks...when the apocolypse comes and you are safe in your basement/bomb shelter...remember it was me who tipped ya.

    *I'm perfectly aware that God Of War is easily translatible to the big screen as a 'gory, blood-n-guts' run-of-the-mill action flick.  Seeing as I have a small attatchment to the game, I'd like to think that it could be something a little more than what Mr. Bratner's professional acumen could deliver.


    Bboy Battle: Falling With Style 4 Final - The Warriorz vs. The Squadron

    Part 1 [for a good time fast forward to 8:00]

    THE SQUADRON(left)
    Kid David
    Kevo (Main Ingreediants Crew)
    Roxrite (Renegades Crew)
    Keebs (Unique Styles Crew)
    SquiD (Unique Styles Crew)
    Namek (Unique Styles Crew)

    THE WARRIOZ(right)
    Toyz  (4F/Lionz Of Zion)
    Minnesota Joe (Power Rangers Crew)
    Dyzee (Motion Disorderz)
    Alex (Motion Disorderz)
    Los Boogie (Power Rangers Crew)
    and China?

    Part 2 after the jump...

    Click to read more ...


    Brog Success!

    "I'd Cry If I Cared More."

    Yet another 'milestonic' day for the Brog.  The most visits/clicks/e-mails in one day! I must say it is greatly much so...I've decided to make a smorgasbord of clips and images...again!

    After The Jump...My Gift To You...

    Click to read more ...


    The Charles "Crazy Horse" Bennett Dedication Post

    We Can Only Hope That He Doesn't Reproduce...

    Me and my lady have been trying to find more footage and stories surrounding the very elusive and energy packed...Krazy Horse.  This post is a dedication to his life well as outside of the ring.  The last I'd heard of Charles "Krazy Horse" Bennett" was at 2005, Pride was throwing an event called "Shockwave 2005".  Backstage he was supposedly being picked on by Chute Boxe academy [headed by Wanderlei Silva].  Words were exchanged and a fight ensued.  Krazy Horse was apparently choked out...and when he came too the first person he saw...he alledgedly knocked out. The person in question was Wanderlei Silva himself...

    Whether it is true or not is not the case...this post is dedicated to the memories a still breathing man has already given us all.

    After the A Dedication Clip, The Night In Question @ Shockwave, And A Series Of Krazy Horse Mug Shots!

    Click to read more ...


    The Ill Doctrine by Jay Smooth of XXL

    I often times peruse the pages of XXL just to see what type of BS they are promoting/advertising.  Usually, a mainstay of the magazine has something actually worthwhile to listen to. Lady's & Gents...Jay Smooth.

    And just to remain unbiased...hey vote for whoever you think 'the smart guy' is.



    Ghost Town: "Why Do I Hear Crickets?"

    Poor Mr. Gervais...You Must Be Tired From Carrying This Movie All By Yourself.

    Hey guys! Did you like Ricky Gervais in HBO's "Extras"? Or How about Ricky Gervais on BBC 4's "The Office"? Well then if you like Gervais being the only funny person or thing for about 2 hours with no commercial breaks; "Ghost Town" is for you.

    The Grade & Review After The Jump...

    Click to read more ...


    TBT: The Most Spoiled Girl In The World

    [note: I'm not responsible for the closed captioned text on this video]

    After a couple views...its confirmed. I still can't believe that people like this exist on planet earth.