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    Entries in Comedy (7)


    Sidenote: Mega64 Is Still The S**t

    I don't know what magic Rocco and the gang have been able to cultivate, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was surprised they are still around. Above is a video they just uploaded on their Youtube channel showing a 'smidgeon' [I'm sure that's how you spell that made up word] of the work that goes into their quality episodes.

    It also reminds me of the fun that goes into doing something you really care about. Which is why I'm posting this, because I care -- about you...intimately.

    Whoa, that was weird, right? Anywhoo, if you're not familiar with Mega64 get yourself all caught up with their comedy at their personal internet website [people still say it like that?]. They recently got a new deal with GameTrailers and a lot of their old stuff with IGN is [also] available on youtube.

    Sorry, I can't stop being a fanboy for them. Their voice is so unique and really necessary [I feel] in this culture of incredibly unfunny box quotes and press releases. Cheers.


    Commercial Break: Pube Helmet?

    Oh that Johnathan Pace, is there anything he can't translate into funny?

    Joan Rivers: A Piece Of Work [Review]

    I Never Thought I'd Watch A Documentary Centered Around Joan Rivers. I Also Never Knew How Joan Looked Without Makeup.

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    Zombieland: How Did We Get Here?

    The saying "history repeats itself," is quite fitting for cinema. We are living [and enduring] a number of fads right now. A large majority we will regret telling our offspring the magnitude in which we so voraciously supported such trends.  However, the zombie fad as of the past ten years have proven quite fruitful. Movies ranging from comedic homages, like Shaun of the Dead to hyper-realistic social commentaries of the 28 Days/28 Weeks caliber; all have added depth to the horror genre and our current zombie fad. The question is, where does Zombieland fit into all of this?

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    Prodigy's Conspiracy Letter From Jail

    Just What Is Going On In The Mind Of Prodigy

    For those not in the know, Prodigy is part of a now classic rap group known as Mobb Deep [if you like hardcore rap like I should look up their earlier stuff! You may like it.]. Prodigy has had a tough break as of late. His last album didn't do so stellar. His last group album was just out right trash ["Blood of the biggest disappointments in the past 5 years in hiphop]. Being affiliated with 50 Cent's G-Unit label hasn't done him wonders.

    Prodigy has been in and out of jail for the past decade, but once he signed to 50's label, things seemed to be turning around for him. Late last year, however, resulted in one the oddest arrest [barring T.I.] for fans of the rap star.  Prodigy was caught with a gun in his SUV and with his record...I'll assume it violated his probation along with several other laws. What sucks though, is that he was pulled over...just for the giggles it seems. Cops weren't able to give a specific reason as to why they pulled over Prodigy other than "he was driving in a suspicious vehicle". Though I stand by that Prodigy did this to himself, this only further pours gas on the fire of the 'hiphop cop' theory.

    Since, Prodigy has been in jail, he's been a busy little bee.  I'm sure he's no doubt penning his next couple albums, but what you may have over looked in regards to Prodigy's mental stability would be his wealth of knowledge about the Illuminati. That's right folks...our Prodigy has turned out to be quite the conspiracy theorist...Prodigy along with being a poet [and knowing it], writes a blog for writes them!

    After the jump his handwritten letters from jail...

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    Ghost Town: "Why Do I Hear Crickets?"

    Poor Mr. Gervais...You Must Be Tired From Carrying This Movie All By Yourself.

    Hey guys! Did you like Ricky Gervais in HBO's "Extras"? Or How about Ricky Gervais on BBC 4's "The Office"? Well then if you like Gervais being the only funny person or thing for about 2 hours with no commercial breaks; "Ghost Town" is for you.

    The Grade & Review After The Jump...

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    SNL: Tina Fey IS Sarah Palin

      It’s becoming increasingly difficult to tell the difference between Sarah Palin and Tina Fey. Not even joking. Her parody is that spot on. See original Palin interview video here.

    video_wmv Download | Play  video_mov Download | Play  (h/t Heather)

    “PALIN”: “Like every American I’m speaking with, we are ill about this. We’re saying, ‘Hey, why bail out Fanny and Freddie and not me?’ But ultimately, what the bailout does is, help those that are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy to help, uhhh, it’s gotta be all about job creation too. Also, too, shoring up our economy and putting Fannie and Freddie back on the right track, and so health care reform and reducing taxes and reigning in spending…’cause Barack Obama, ya know, has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans, also, having a dollar value meal at restaurants. That’s gonna help. But 1 in 5 jobs being created today under the umbrella of job creation. That, you know. Also…..”

    Thanks C&L