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    Microsoft Done With Seinfeld?

    Cue awful transitional synthesized Seinfeld music

    Don't get comfortable with this image above.  That's right, there will be no more casual run-ins at a shoe store with a one billionaire and a certain millionaire.  Apparently, this was all apart of the 'Microsoft Ad Plan'. Pay Jerry Seinfeld millions of dollars for making Seinfeld-noises out of his mouth for a couple minutes. Have this met with a luke warm response from the general public then BAM!

    Get rid of him!

    More After the Jump...

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    Update: LHC Shutdown from Glitch

    Yep...I see what the problem is...Cheetos in the Magnets....

    My obsession and I'm sure many others out there, the LHC [Large Hadron Collider] has suffered a minor setback from what would appear to be a 'slight over heating' of a transformer.  Alex Higgins reports for the Associated Press:

    The faulty transformer has been replaced and the ring in the 17-mile circular tunnel under the Swiss-French border has been cooled back down to near zero on the Kelvin scale โ€” minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit โ€” the most efficient operating temperature, said a statement by CERN, as the organization is known.

    When the transformer malfunctioned, operating temperatures rose from below 2 Kelvin to 4.5 Kelvin โ€” extraordinarily cold by most standards, but warmer than the normal operating temperature.

    Total bummer...just when you thought this week couldn't get worse...then this happens.  To make matters worse, due to the complexities of the LHC...its still questionable as to when it will be up and running again. It looks workable, but man...i just got slightly MORE nervous about this whole 'milestone in technology'.

    Read more here.


    Shawn Elliot Leaves 1up and Joins 2K Boston

    Shawn takes a bow...errr...not really.

    Yup...this pretty much sums up my week.  Sunday I had a tiff with my girlfriend...the same day Hurricane Ike's evil winds were over Columbus. This resulted in over a third of Ohioans being out of power [and in most cases, work]. Most of the AEP workers [from the midwest] were sent to Texas to remedy their power outtage. Unfortunately, the lovely higher-ups at AEP didn't really count on Ike's 70+ mile per hour winds to; as I like to say, "Eff-Up" Ohio and most of the midwest electrical power gird. They say it will be until Saturday or Sunday until all of Ohio is 'fully-operational', which if you've been to the main cities in know how funny that is.

    Days later, I find out I'm going to be losing a lot of money in the next couple months thanks to my passion...that is...throwing money away into the lovely art of photography. That very day I worked 12 hours only to come home to no gas.  My internet was turned off by the lovely Time Warner people because they wanted the electricians to be as safe as possible with each residence.

    All I wanted to do was listen to my favorite podcast.

    [I actually get to the point after the jump]

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    Video Game Reviews - Soulja Boy Tells Them?

    Here we have Soulja Boy explaining what could only be loosely described as a video game review.  As a preface, I know Soulja Boy is still a teenager and has a lot of money and is an avid gamer...I know these things, but do you have to record yourself every time you feel your brain has 'yet again' spun pure gold?

    This is what blogs are for people.

    Yahtzee's Video Review Of Braid after the jump.

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    FEIST - A Cool Looking Game [and it's free!]

    You can download the free beta at



    Driving On Salvia

    Excuse me...I have to go to space now

    Sep172008 - Army Of Estonia

    Really feeling the safety from these gents...

    Not really much to say after this...

    More From after the jump...

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    Sep172008 - Cucumber Pickers Of Belarus

    Thanks to the lovely crew over at EnglishRussia I have now been further cultured. I guess this is still an existing job in which there are a couple tractors per farm and people get paid below a decent wage to pick cucumbers for a living.

    After the jump...more shots of our cucumber picking friends...

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    Cat Face - Still Not Sure About This One

    I still don't know what to make of was recommended by people who get intoxicated on a daily basis.  I agree with telling stories within 2 to 3 minutes though. Some of it is funny...some of it is just something you can only attribute to being on the internet..."Oh look...a cat face..."

    After the jump...a series of episodes of Cat Face...

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    Christian Megachurch Dancing - Is That Guy Popping...but not Locking?

    The funny thing is...there is a group of people on this earth...breathing...thinking about how awesome this is and will forever be.