Then And Now: Feelings On The Fighting Game Genre

Fighting games are back! Or are they? Moreover, should I be nervous that less-than-stellar clones are not to far behind?

Fighting games are back! Or are they? Moreover, should I be nervous that less-than-stellar clones are not to far behind?
Here lies Tekken 6. A fantastic fighting game that never wants you to play it online. EVER.
No matter how many times you adjust your collectible head gear and change outfits on your favorite polygonal fighter, it won’t bring back the one you love. For the past three iterations of the once illustrious 3D fighting Tekken franchise, the series has been balancing the art of evolving and correcting previous miscues. Where this current Street Fighter community had the ability to grow two-fold thanks to this new age of online play and console connectivity, Tekken fans will still yearn for an online system more sophisticated than the one found in this game. The biggest issue with Tekken 6 currently, isn’t so much the robust fighting system and the well-realized graphics engine, but how it presents these features to a varied audience of hardcore enthusiast and newcomers.
Its that time of year again. I’m sure anyone reading this is well prepared for the Midwest’s premiere fighting game tournament, but in case you are a new comer I would suggest venturing over to the Shoryuken boards and introducing yourself to some of the best and brightest minds when it comes to this amazing tournament. Now because of last year’s incredible turnout there I would suggest getting your money and skills in order. There will be a $30 dollar flat rate to enter the venue, so why not save up a couple extra shillings and enter a tournament or two.
As per the usual, I will be there with my camera documenting the event -- heck, I may even try my hand at a tourney or two. Rest assured, this is a tournament you do not want to miss. Daigo, Gamerbee, Choco and Momochi have already confirmed to be in attendance and if that doesn’t get you hype, then you may want to reconsider calling yourself a fighting game fan.
Stay tuned for further updates on SBV: Redemption.
After the jump are the details and official press release about the event thus far.
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