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    Entries in Sci-Fi (7)


    Chronicle Review -- Found Footage Failure

    Poor Chronicle. It takes a special kind of movie to make nose-bleeding, telekinetics look boring as s**t.

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    Super 8 Review -- Makes You Feel Like A Kid, Because Parents Are Total Idiots

    Elle Fanning, Joel Courtney and Riley Griffiths are total scene-stealers in Super 8. Here's hoping whoever plays their parents in future films are just as dumb and neglectful as the ones found in this film. That way they can steal more scenes!
    There are two movies to be found in Super 8. One, is a loving homage to the building blocks of movies that generation-X and Y’ers held dear to them pre-adolescence. The other is a summer blockbuster that is unabashedly illogical and powerfully hokey. Director and writer J. J. Abrams, has done well with Super 8, in one regard. Setting a movie in a non-descript Ohio locale with unique child actors was a move that suits his style. Balancing this children’s science fictional realm, while keeping the supposed adults entertained is where the movie fails. See Super 8, but avert your eyes when the movie turns into a shameful rendition of Independence Day.

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    Reading Material: Apologia To Ebert & A Demand For Lifification?

    Because reading about video game theory is something Rod Serling would approve of.

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    Daybreakers - Vampire Noir Almost Worth Recommending


    District 9 Is Better Than Halo...

    "Yes We Have Discovered That Your Celluar Coverage Could Be Better!"The header could be confusing to some of you who may not be in the know.  At the very least you should know that District 9 is one of the more realistic science fiction films to come out since Children of Men.  A movie made for *30 million dollars, directed by virtual unknown Neill Blomkamp, has a more realistic look than a 300 million dollar Transformer movie.  And to think, if it were not for production of a certain Halo movie falling through, we would have never gotten District 9.

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    Coraline - The Movie That Almost Was

    Escaping to a better plot eh?

    Today we talk about Coraline. A movie, that myself and I am sure many movie goers have been looking forward to for the past year.  Unfortunately, I have some terrible news to report.  If you were hoping to see a stop-motion animated movie of the caliber of Nightmare Before Christmas you will be pleasantly un-surprised. Coraline is a beautiful achievement for animation [especially stop-motion], and it was quite a joy to see this movie in 3-D. The cons out weigh the pros, the story is almost as 'by-the-numbers' gets and the more interesting character [because there is really only one] is not fleshed out to any degree.  Coraline is not creepy.  It is not intriguing.  It is a slow moving bore of a movie.

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    TV Hell - Why Sci-Fi Future Is Still Shaky

    After A Couple Key Series Play Out This Season Sci-Fi Television May Have To Check For A Couple Polyps

    As more of a fan of science fiction books and movies, television has always been a bit of a dice roll with me.  I was a huge fan of the X-Files as a kid. Occasionally I could get into some Next Generation and if the planets were aligned properly Xena/Outer Limits and many other off-shoots sparingly.

    Rich over at TV shares my sentiment, when Battlestar wraps up this year and the rest of the newer science fiction shows reveal more of their plots, Sci-Fi television could be up a creek.

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