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    Free Game: Dont Sh&t Your Pants

    I guess I'm the sh#t king! I found all the achievments. So...there's that. Plus, this game is kinda cool. Type 'look' it helps.

    Description (Game published on 2009-02-16)

    A survival horror game.


    Kongregate stats implemented. Unfortunately that means some save files were lost. Sorry!

    For those of you who cannot get the game to run when typing “play”, please refresh the browser. This is a known issue that I’m having trouble duplicating, but a simple refresh fixes it.


    Start by clicking next to the tiny arrow on the bottom left corner of the game window.

    This is an all typing game. To begin, type “play”. Type instructions such as “open door” to perform different tasks.

    If you’re stuck, make sure to “look” at everything you can.

    Try to win all the awards and earn the title of Shit King!

    *To see the credits, type “credits” in the title screen.


    After the jump...key commands that will help you win!

    Click to read more ...


    Cool Article About GTA IV and Storytelling

    Best Marketing Campaign...Ever!



    The Uninvited: Why Watch?

    It Was Manditory They Were Nightgowns The Entire Movie

    Yep, I knew what I was getting into.  I had other options. Watching paint dry being one of them.  Let me ask you this, where else are you going to see a very square-headed [Emily Browning] girl fight her own sanity, Elizabeth Banks as the new 'hot step mom' and keep her very loose sister [Arielle Kebble] in line long enough for one of the boringest climaxes seen so far in 2009.  I give you, one of the least wordy reviews I have ever penned for a movie...I give you "The Uninvited".

    Click to read more ...


    Woman Misses Her Flight...

    Damn...I mean...really?


    "He Loves A Fat Girl"

    Reason #28 of why I miss cable.


    Metacritic and Reviews


    Oh Word?

    Two independent articles, but both dealing with serious bidness of gaming. One dealing with Metacritic and who its impact has impacted gaming, game reviews and especially games journalism.


    The second article is a rant about users ranting about reviews. Some would say it is a review of a review.



    You See It's A Joystick, But It's Really A Penis

    Standard UGO splash screen...

    A young man named Patrick Alexander decided to give shameless dudes over at UGO advice on how to further objectify women. What occurs after the jump, could only be described as brilliant.

    Click to read more ...


    Bboy Corner: Funky Mason Kingz vs Flo Mo Ghost Masters

    This was the semi finals to 2009's Street Star battle on the left are the Funky Mason Kingz of Poland and to the right are Flo Mo Ghost Masters a good mix of Scandinavia's best bboys and bgirls. Even Elmo of Street Masters [USA] was in there


    Are Controls Hindering Console Gaming?

    Oh word? Mah Berd.

    Blog Critics just twittered me an interesting article on the pros and cons of the controls of console gaming. It proposes some interesting questions. It's all very interesting

    [i dared someone today that I'd over use the word interesting within three sentences]


    NPR: Honoring J Dilla's Music and His Legacy

    "Do Me A Favah...Please! Turn It Up!"-J. Dilla

    Listen Now

    Day to Day, February 12, 2009 - February isn't just Black History Month. It's also "J Dilla Month" — declared by Stones Throw Records in honor of the Detroit hip-hop producer James "J Dilla" Yancey. He died three years ago this weekend. The L.A.-based label worked closely with Dilla before he passed. Eothen "Egon" Alapatt, Stones Throw's general manager, talks about Dilla's music and legacy.

    One of my favorite artists. Musically and otherwise.  He is sorely missed.

    Source: Link