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    The WWE's Kane teaches us about economics

    Really...his hight is 6'12"?!

    Things you may not have known about Glenn "Kane" Jacobs. Very much an intellectual when he's not chokeslaming his way to a pro wrestling champion ship. For instance did you know he recently had an economic bone to pick with UC Berkley's Robert Reich?

    After the jump...something you probably wouldn't have expected from the guy...

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    Christian Bale Is Pissed

    I don't know what else needs to be said. Its funny...I was just having a conversation with a fellow photography cohort of mine and we were sharing stories of how we screwed up our fair share of projects. But, that DP sounded like he was ready to put his hands over his face and cover up until Bale tired himself out.

    After the break...the transcript

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    Dating A Banker Anonymous



    A blog dedicated to women who are dating a very specific kind of banker...the rich ones. You always think that this 'type of woman' doesn't really exist, but man...even in 'e-format' there is something unnerving about these women.



    The World's Best Passenger Complaint

    I don't think I've read anything like it. The whole time I'm thinking to myself, "Yeah...this guys gotta be British!"

    The link


    Doubt - Well...yeah

    Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

    If you have ever seen the Upbright Citizens Brigrade episode, where one character is bragging to a video store clerk that he had the 'titular line' in both Star Wars and Out of Africa, well you just may be completly ruined if you decide to indulge in one of the best acted movies, but ill-executed stories in Doubt. It is an Ali vs Frazier-esque type of movie where you get to see two actors at their best. In one corner you have Meryl "The Nun Heat" Streep and in the opposing corner you have Phillip "The Perv Priest" Seymour Hoffman two actors pretend to argue, one was in Mamma Mia.

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    I Can't Believe I Just Watched The Superbowl

    Even still was a waste of money...and it still doesn't make sense.

    Me and the gf were all set for a night of passionate movie watching [that's what we call it].  The Superbowl came up in conversation prior to me putting a dvd in, but it was something to the effect of 'who do yo think is actually going to watch it?', what transpired next could only be described was an example of how a spectacle can captivate and deliver. 

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    Photophile: Deciding on a new camera

    I'm having a tough time parting with my RebelXT. She still takes dynamite shots, but I am looking to do more studio and professional shots.  Above we see one of my options the new Canon 5D Mark II. I have finally talked myself off of the 1Ds Mark III cliff [8k I can keep!], but this time of year and the millions of jobs I work...begin to get a tad impulsive around tax time. After the jump Lori & friends give reviews for some other gems that I can't help, but salivate over.

    Commence teh droolz

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    Video: How Awesome Is Mark Hamill As The Joker?


    Seriously...the game could be absolute crap I'd play through it just to hear 'The Hamill'.  Sidenote: Is anyone else turned off by the 'meaty-ness' of Batman?  I've never seen him with such a square neck.


    Video: Killzone 2 Game Intro

    Source: Joystiq [Ultrastiq]

    It may be one big cut scene and you don't see anything even remotely 'in-game' related, but I can't help but say "Wow".  Isn't it something? 10 years ago I wouldn't have thought games would have made it to this point [evoking emotion through a visual context].  It really is quite amazing.

    [and I just browned my pants]


    Video: The iGirl.

    Yup, we did it folks, we have completly wasted our entire existence on 'Earf'. 

    After the break a more 'in depth' review of the iGirl app. You need to see this, because I know you can't resist.

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