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    Black History Month: Black Video Game Characters Fail


    Just read an interesting article about black video game characters over at Edge.  Definitely worth the read and discussion [and yes I do know that 'video game characters' by-and-large are pretty awful].



    The Game Review That Set The World On Fire: Killzone 2 Review Review

    So Ben Dutka of Playstation Xtreme had a major bone to pick with the '7' out of 10 Killzone 2 got over at Edge magazine. Turns out 8 people read both the Edge review and slightly more read his review of the review. [Cue Xzibit] "Yo dawg...I heard you like over-hyped reviews so I put a review in yo review. So you can bitch while you bitch."

    Thank you X-to-the-Z.

    The hoopla and link after the jump...

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    The 5 Hardest Games

    Arrrrrggghhhhhh! = FlaiL

    One of the things I hate most is when a game is overly complicated or too complex for the message it is trying to convey *cough* MGS series!*cough*. The wonderful people of Make Us have compiled a list of the hardest games and I can [un]happily tell you that these game are awesome at killing your time as well as your soul.

    More delights after the jump.

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    And This Is Why I Don't Trust Kids

    Amazing. I'll have to keep my eye out for both crews.


    What Discourages Me Most About Buying A PS3.

    "Thank yous" to Leigh Alexander of Gamasutra, she [and the Onion] have helped me narrow down what my big issue is with the PS3.  This video is clearly an exaggerated belief for what non-, or even anti-PS3 savages believe.  It is high-end. The PS3 has a bevy of why haven't I bought it yet?


    "This Octopus...Let's Give It Boots."

    To answer your question before its asked, "Yes". Yes I will watch anything on the internet.


    Coraline - The Movie That Almost Was

    Escaping to a better plot eh?

    Today we talk about Coraline. A movie, that myself and I am sure many movie goers have been looking forward to for the past year.  Unfortunately, I have some terrible news to report.  If you were hoping to see a stop-motion animated movie of the caliber of Nightmare Before Christmas you will be pleasantly un-surprised. Coraline is a beautiful achievement for animation [especially stop-motion], and it was quite a joy to see this movie in 3-D. The cons out weigh the pros, the story is almost as 'by-the-numbers' gets and the more interesting character [because there is really only one] is not fleshed out to any degree.  Coraline is not creepy.  It is not intriguing.  It is a slow moving bore of a movie.

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    "I'm On A Boat"

    And now this will be stuck in my head for the rest of the week.


    New TMNT- Smash Up trailer

    For some reason I just can't stop laughing.


    My PS2 Catalog Playthrough: From A - Z


    Click To Make Larger

    In 2007 I purchased a PS2. I have been playing through my PS2 catalog for the first time for the past year and a half. I know...once you click the pic and realize how 'little' of my games I have played through it would probably make you sick [I know it makes me sick].  If you did click the image you are probably wondering what the 'white dots' and the 'green dots' are by certain games.  The white dots are games I started to play or but never finished it or gotten that far [most of those are probably fighting games]. The green dots are games I finished, most of which are games I finished prior to creating this challenge.

    (the Rules after the break)

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