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    Commercial Break: What The S**t!? Mass Effect

    My juggling act on this end has prevented me from delving into plenty of topics that have been crowding my Google Documents page. What is the outside world like? Please tell me. I've been toiling away here and I've been neglecting you lovely people.

    Here, take this incredibly creepy series, What The S**t. Brought to us by Youtube user, Axeface1, What The S**t seems to cover a branching path of the Mass Effect series. Let's call it a disfigured path.

    In the mean time kids, I'll keep looking at these Google Docs. I'm sure something will pop up on the brog soon. You'll see.


    Commercial Break: How To Steal In Skyrim

    Sure it'll probably be patched by the time you read this, but aren't bugs like this fun? Come one Bethesda, be a pal and leave this one be. 

    Sidenote: If you've taken a break from your Skyrimathon, please, I beg of you. Go to the bathroom, because that sock just isn't cutting it anymore.


    The Canada Cup Stream -- What Went Wrong?

    It's hard to complain about something being provided to you for free. Even harder to post criticisms of a major event when you didn't attend. I'll start this little diatribe with praise. I think Canada Cup pulled off, what could only be described as, the fighting game community equivalent of the Olympics. The tournament that took place this past weekend had talent from Singapore, Japan, Korea, Europe and North America. This doesn't include the talent required to organize and structure said event to begin with. Canada Cup Gaming, keep up the good work and please take my words as they are: from someone who witnessed your event from a computer screen -- from someone who just wants to help.

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    Moneyball Review -- So Tired Of All These Moneyballs

    Moneyball is a movie about how one man, no one expected much from, beat a system corrupted by money. Also, Jonah Hill's creepy stare

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    Contagion Review -- Worth It For "Cthulu Paltrow"

    Never Forget.

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    Commercial Break: Sometimes It's Hard Defending Gamers


    A couple days ago I had a conversation with one of my [non-video game] lady pals about a current-slash-ex-dude she was seeing. She said she see couldn't see herself with someone who played games as much as she 'thought' he did. I'm using games broadly, but she meant video games. 

    As a clarifier, the young man apparently audio recorded his progress. This seemed to be enough for said young lady to come to a conclusion that, "uh uh!" This ain't what she wanted from a romantic interest.

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    Preview: Skullgirls -- Technology Versus Tits Edition

    Mind you this is just an alpha build, but Skullgirls has a lot going for it. Very forward thinking for a genre that still trips over it's own fundamentals. Now if we could just get rid of all the T & A.


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    Season's Beatings: Velocity -- The Aftermath, The Photos, The Phoenix

    This year's Season's Beatings will be known for a great deal of surprises. I'm very proud of Godlike Entertainment from building this, once small event, into an international mainstay.

    For three days the fighting game world had all eyes on TeamSpooky's stream. Attention was drawn to a medium-sized, Asian cuisine-themed restaurant in Momo's. For the past six years Godlike Entertainment has been working hard to get the tournament known locally. Then it was known on the East Coast. Then people started calling it "a major." 

    This year's Season's Beatings: Velocity, proved itself internationally. It may be lost on hardcore fighting game fans, and those who are only passively involved via live streams [a.k.a. stream monsters]. Having players from Korea, Japan and France put Columbus, Ohio on their itinerary -- kind of a big deal. 

    At least it is for me.

    Below are the results, my thoughts, and some photos.

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    Season's Beatings: Velocity -- Oct. 14th - Oct. 16th

    Just thought I'd make my obligatory, annual post about the best damn fighting game tournament on Earth. Well, at least in my eyes, and I wear glasses, so that's like four! This weekend in Columbus, Ohio the sixth installment of the Season's Beatings fighting game tournament will be held at MoMo's. I will be holding a MadCatz stick in one hand and a DSLR in the other. If you can weed through the 700 hundred-plus, attendees, say "Hi!" I promise I'll greet in return.

    *Disclaimer: I owe a great deal of credit to Godlike Entertainment and the Season's Beatings events, because it made me realize where I wanted to go with my writing. It made me value the fighting game community. So that's why this is especially important to me.

    [After the break: Weekend Schedule, Live Stream link, and Photos]

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    Commercial Break: BET Cypher With Yelawolf, Slaughterhouse & Eminem

    This is moreso a placemarker for me. I'd been looking for this cypher for a couple days and thanks to the Ohio-based site OMNImix. I found it. Feel free to enjoy.