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    Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes -- James Franco Raises A Monkey

    "Do it for Dunstin!"

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    Taxidermy Is One Hell Of A Drug

    What photo were you looking at when you decided you wanted to make the John Malkovich lion?

    So here's the deal, I'm writing up a review of things that have happened to me in the past week. This encompasses my experience with a certain ape-oriented film as well as my San Diego trip. No, I'm not trying to combine the two into one confusing, yet intriguing article. I've actually taken ill in quite a way.

    It also doesn't help my recovery, that my body has been enduring quite the heatwave in Columbus. A.K.A. The Humid City With All The Fat Humids. I'm begging you to stay with me here. The next couple articles [this included] will be drug induced [Theraflu to the rescue!]. 

    This being said, I rarely "laugh-cry" and pee my pants while viewing the internet. And it's an even rarer occurrance that I admit to said act via said medium. But, what you see above and the images you'll see below are a new kind of funny that my body involuntarily seizes up in laughter/horror.

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    Commercial Break: Science Just F**kin' Killed Mosquitoes

    Yes, I know, another video! I'm kinda suffering from the worst kind of block right now. It also doesn't help that I'm running quite the fever after a long [productive] trip.

    What you see above is from a TED talk [which we all should watch more of] centered around a constructive use of the blue laser found in most of our tech. Okay, a constructive use other than watching The Wire at two in the morning.

    The inner-entomologist in me, is a bit concerned with the future ramifications of such a find. "What if we kill too many mosquitoes?" And other such questions come to mind. 

    But still though, this is pretty cool. And I think it's helping me through this mental block.

    Maybe I'll write about this San Diego trip after all?


    Video: Portal -- No Escape by Dan Trachtenberg 

    Probably the most apt thing I could watch prior to getting on a plane. Ever get that feeling that the environment around you isn't where you need to be? If only we had some handy Apeture science handy to get us out of this place. 

    Did you watch all the way to the end? Did the directors name seem familiar? If it doesn't then I implore you to check out Dan Trachtenberg's work on the Totally Rad Show. He's usually the guy I'm vehemently disagreeing with [from the comfort of my own home] whenever they do a movie review. I knew he did commercials on occassion, but this, this, is something that wholly in a league of it's own.

    So big props. And with this posting...


    I'll see you aligators, much later.


    The Brog Is San Diego Bound!

    Well, I guess I've never surfed before. I guess I could do that...right?

    That's right guys and gals, thanks to the small success of this site over the years, I've actually been able to save some cash and take this dog and pony show on the road*. You may remember a little dedication video last year made by friends of the site, Lea and Jesse. Well I'm visiting them and eating up all their refrigerated food.


    It'll be a five day adventure starting this coming Thursday. Here's the deal. I'm kinda documenting this whole trip in some fashion or another [audio, video, but especially photo]. I kinda don't know where I should go or do. Out of the five days, I've got about a day and a half-worth of business to handle. That's about it.


    It's San Diego, where people go, prior to going to heaven. I'm also fairly sure the latin of San Diego translates to "Heaven's waiting room." Don't quote me on that. So I've started an initiative, which is rare for me considering how my offline life is completely at odds with this whole trip. If you've ever visited or ever wanted to go to a certain place in San Diego, I'm your man. I'll also venture up to L.A. for a day, but it's really all about San Diego people.


    Send me your suggestions via the comments below or my Twitter feed. I'll keep checking my timeline, this site, and in the coming days, a similar post is going up on Couchbound.


    If you know of any odd spots, restaurants, dancing places that don't cost a fortune to get into, feed me with those suggestions. When I return, I'm sure I'll have a story to tell.


    *Note: There will actually be no ponies involved, but several dogs.



    Review: Beats, Rhymes & Life -- The Travels Of A Tribe Called Quest

    A Tribe Called Quest posing for a photo. A reluctant photo that no one wanted to take.

    One of the most important notes I took in any of my photography lectures, years back, was making a connection with an artist. Finding art and an artist to invest oneself to, becomes more difficult as any medium grows. There is a high chance you could expose yourself to a lot of crap art and crap artists [subjectively speaking]. When I look at this documentary on A Tribe Called Quest, it reminds me about the many movements that occur in art. It reminds me of my youth. It also reminds me of my initial hate of the group.

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    Graphic Update: Black Dynamite -- The Comic

    The things I'm allowed to read at work while on my lunch break...

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    Commercial Break: Boom! Thirty Minutes Of My Life, Wasted

    It's come to my attention that a fair amount of you come to my blog to waste time at your daily jobs. Hey, it's okay. I do it too. However, did you know you could be wasting even more time? That's right. My pal [though he doesn't know it yet] Micheal Badger has been doing these News Views videos for quite some time now. 

    He swears it's not a joke and all intentionally shot in a retro-manner. It's supposed to harken back to a time where the news was just that, the news. No spin, no fluff. 

    I don't remember it being so, well, you know. But hey, you wanted to waste a moment of your life right?



    Commercial Break: Happy "Knockout Kick To The Face" Day

    I've been writing a great deal as of late, and I thought I'd slide this little gem in to break up my word vomit. I gotta say, given these guys aren't wearing gloves in an obvious Muay Thai fight, I saw this match going a different way. That is until I seen the beady eyes of Muay Thai champ...Saenchai. 

    If the movie "Kickpunch" from the television show Community is ever made into a real movie, it should star this guy. His kicks are like punches to faces.


    EVO 2011 -- What Does It Feels Like To Throw A Fireball For $10,000

    As of me typing this little entry, we are about a week out from the events that transpired at this year's EVO. A great deal of joy and surprise was had by all that were interested. For those who filled up my Twitter feed with, "What's an EVO?" Go here for the full history.

    There seems to be something strange happening in the fighting game community. The level of recognition and genuine interest has been hard-fought over the past decade. Within that time, fighting game makers: Namco, Capcom, Aksys, have helped and hurt the culture. There was an obvious feeling of rushed games or just too many to play at one time. Games around the turn of the millennium were having a renaissance genre-wide. During the era of Third Strike, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Guilty Gear, there were so many iterations of fighting games, it was almost like, Guitar Hero.

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