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    Fan Video -- Team Fortress 2: Sentry Sabotage


    I'm posting a fan video for a video game that came out close to five years ago. I'm that guy. 

    Usually a good rule to follow is that when someone says, "Hey I made a video about this video game I like." Chances are you need to break all ties with this person and post the unintentionally hilarious video on several social network sites. That is, if it's terrible and you're a terrible person who takes pleasure in something like that. I know I don't...

    In the many years Valve's Team Fortress 2 has been availible on console and PC, plenty of fan videos, 'drawrings', maybe even macrame patterns have been dedicated to the game. Turns out these nerds who play video games may also harbor some form of a highly skilled, artistic background.

    Enjoy this video, it comes from a community that cares.


    P.S. How true-to-life was that sniper offing a cloaked spy? Very.


    What The Wire Has Taught Me...


    Commercial Break: Driving In Asia or Asian Drivers?

    I think it's a bit passe to do jokes on matters like, "this culture walks like this, and this culture talks like this." But then a friend sent me this clip via e-mail earlier this week. Blood immediately sprung from the inner recesses of my mouth. I was biting my tongue so hard.


    I'd like to think that someone with a camera in their car could put together a seven minute clip of vehicular manslaughter just about anywhere on this earth. So why is it so funny when it's Asia? And from what I can tell by the language, China in particular. 


    These guys and gals are just trying to get to work, or to the bar, just like you and me. Though it may seem like the brake pedal was installed in their cars for lols, I'd like to point out that usually, the car with the camera in it, is usually not [grossly] disobeying any traffic laws.


    That being said, this s**ts funny. And funny goes a long way with me.


    FYI: If you any of you out there have footage of anyone, of any particular ethnic background, temporarily hurting themselves in a vehicle of any kind please feel free to send that to this site's e-mail [it's on the sidebar, can't miss it]. Please no gore or mamed limbs being lost. It will only get posted if I find it funny.

    Audio Files: Bjork & Gondry Together Now You Know You In Trouble


    Coming from a drum & bass-slash-dubstep [active] hater, I'll leave it to Bjork's newest single to do justice to a combination of sounds I traditionally hate. 

    Heck, I'm not even sure if I like Bjork!

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    Harry Potter Isn't Dead, Unfortunately

    This is it. It all ends here. Well, you know, not really.

    It’s rare I put a spoiler in the headline of my reviews. Actually, I’m sure I’ve never done it before. This is important for the small bits of hate mail and tweets I get. Granted, I’m still going to get them, but I want you to know that Harry Potter is alive and well. I’ll also say that I’m clearly not a Harry Potter fan, or aficionado. I’ve seen, including this film, the first film and the previous two. And by previous two I’m not including Deathly Hallows Part 1. I honestly didn’t know it came out. Nor did I care.


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    Transformers: Dark Of The Moon -- I Drank Before Watching

    It should come as no secret, I've always kinda hated the Transformers movies, but with Leonard Nemoy playing Sentinel Prime, well that's sure to win me and fellow 'thinking' movie goers over.
    This weekend I snuck a bottle of red wine into a movie theater. Maybe this will function as a place marker for when I showed the initial signs of alcohol abuse? Maybe this will become the new standard for viewing any future summer blockbusters?

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    Things That Are Cool: Comix, Free Games, Jane McGonigal, Internet Findings...

    One of the many interesting panels I found over at Comix Cube

    These past couple weeks and [I'm guessing] future weeks will be dedicated to me figuring out some things in my little life. One of which is [hopefully] getting my TV serviced so I can get back to reviewing this ever-growing hill of vidja games. 

    I'm also finding time to work on other artistic endeavors that you may [or may not] see on the internet. 

    Since my facebook sabbatical, my Twitter and e-mail inbox have been getting stuffed. Some of it is actually not totally disgusting. I'd even go as far in saying that it may have brightened my week.

    Below is a dump of all the tabs I currently have open in my browser


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    Commercial Break: Damn Goku, You Got Caught Slippin'


    Sometimes you just have to take off your shirt and embarrass your brother on the internet. More so, that is. If you notice, he stands up holding his side, I presume several ribs were broken. We like Jeff. Jeff The Brother is the kinda guy that butts into your life when you may be taking things too seriously. Like say, impersonating a Dragonball Z character for animation and special effects requests. 

    In the past week, my TV has been acting funny [so no console game reviews until Toshiba finds out what my TV is possessed by]. I managed to lose my phone charger and could only charge my phone via car kit [which, oddly enough, had me miss more text and calls that I originally planned -- mea culpa]. 

    I'm starting to think that maybe I pissed off someone in several past lives, maybe shirtless. Whatever the case, maybe we all need a shirtless Jeff The Brother, to hop in on us doing something ridiculous. Don't stress the small stuff right?

    Don't stress the Kamehameha. /newmantra 


    Bboy Culture: "4 Steelo"

    To inquire about donations and further support venture over to the Bboy Spot.  Or if you want to donate directly to Steelo, he has a paypal account [].


    I'd normally talk your ear off about now, but I think the video says everything and more. I'm kind of in awe of how amazing the bboy community is right now.

    Games Are[n't] Worth It?

    You didn't know you wanted it, until you saw it on the internet.

    I guess I'm ready to write about games again. I got this screen cap in my inbox this past weekend. I'm actually having a hard time expressing any shred of thought about said image, other than a muted chuckle. Okay, that and mild shame for finding it hilarious.

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