Commercial Break: Driving In Asia or Asian Drivers?

I kinda feel like anything I've accomplished in life has been all for naught. How can any idea I have after today compete with something that, not only removes stains with such ease, but even the stain's residue! America, there is no hope. Our inventions are not worthy.
Wow, there sure is a lot of talking in this game, huh? So much so, that a good chunk of the beginning of the trailer is talking. Sure its in Japanese, but is there ever a logical reason for people to ride airships on the fourth of July? Of course, for love! I am looking forward to FFXIII [otherwise it wouldn't be making it on to the brog in the first place], but that feeling of being 'super-pumped' for a RPG has kind of waned with me.
"But look at the graphics!"-Me ten years ago, which is probably when they initially began working on this hilari-epic. I got high hopes, just like I got high hopes for Gran Turismo 5, eventhough four or five other games in its genre have came out since its last iteration. [shrugs Kanye-style, then drops the mic]
Source: Joystiq
Barring the mega-Satanic intro, I am pretty excited to see what could come of the Dream organization. Its cool to see these Japanese promoters stick with promoting their fighters in a more respectible manner as oppose to the 'meat-neckery' the average American is use to seeing [as far as promotions go]. I am a little sad to see the ring go. I don't know why, but it was something so identifiable about Pride and now Dream and all major mixed martial arts events in Japan.
According to the image above you'd probably think that crazy ole Japan and their crazy ole women are doing something all 'karayzay' again on the technology front. Barring this being limited to women [guys like bears too...err...pause] the cuddle and cute concept phone known only as 'Kuma Phone' made by Willcom stole the show of the Good Design Expo this weekend. Like most phones it has: a vibrate feature, custom sounds for incoming calls, and all calls can be answered or ended by merely pressing the tail. [Take that!]
More about this plushy item after the jump...
"Fear For Your Puny Lives!"