L.A. Noire Developer Exposed -- Brendon McNamara
[image courtesy of Hardcoregaming 101]
[I was originally going to post this on 1up.com, but their editor won't save my work. Also, I'm at my day job and I don't want to make it a habit of writing up stuff, while I'm supposed to be doing other work. So, this is just between you and me internet.]
Commercial Break: Classics Of Games = Amazing
The youtube channel Classics of Games has been keeping me company this morning while I sift through angry e-mails and comments about how, 'I'm gay for not liking inFamous.' Yup, this is how we are spending our Fourth of July morning folks.
Let's put a positive spin on this. Classics of Games is a collection of [perfectly sized] excerpts from video games, that kind of encompass the constant struggle between what makes a game useless and what makes a game stand the test of time. [I dare you to un-see the Jackie Chan fighting game]
After the jump are a select few that made me smile on a day where I'm supposed to be telling mom about, "how gay I must be." Yeah, let's put that one on the refrigerator.
Infamous 2 -- If You Liked The First One, Then I Hate You
Commercial Break: I Found Some Animal Stuff On The Internet [Work Safe]
So it's been a week since I've posted. I've been holding out on ya Internet. Don't fret, it's all part of my plan of making the times I do post that much more special, and mildly confusing. Let's be honest, that last post was a bit heavy.
Today's topic: Animals are weird to me. I'm pretty sure if I was in the jungle with 99.9 percent of any animal, I'd managed to end up dead and partially eaten.
I say partially, in the case of an animal that just wants to kill me and not devour my [assumed] delicious hind quarters.
Below you'll find more inspiring images from our animal friends, that will not only brighten your day, but hopefully encourage you to make the most of it. Why? Dude there's a hawk eating out of some Nepalese guy's hand. Now quit reading and get to watchin'!
Personal Note: So I Went Home To Cleveland This Weekend
Commercial Break: Get Drunk & Hit Somethin'
Ever have one of those days where you just want to take the keys to your pick-up and run it through your favorite watering hole?
How 'bout just politely grazing one of the cement pillars while you completely f**k up your drive train and vehicle alignment? Yeah, I thought so.
Work has picked up on this end the brog, which is a good thing. I'd be lying if I didn't say that'd I may be a smidge overwhelmed at the moment. Writing, art projects and dancing have made little inroads to me being less grumpy, but it's helped birth many future ideas. Loads of which, I'm sure I'll be grumpy about NOT working on with my eight minutes of free time.
"We're working on it!"
It's something I say to the people at my nine-to-fiver. When in all actuality, I should be saying, "I'm planning my escape! The tunnel is coming along nicely!"
When I see the man in this video. The one getting effortlessly thrown out of a bar and lack of social couthness. I think to myself:
"Self? I wonder what kind of job he has? Do his kids love him? Is he still thinking his wife will come back?"
But then he puts the keys in. And we all learn a valuable lesson. That's right...
Steal a car, then drive it into your favorite watering hole.
E3 2011: The "This Could Be Good For Gaming" Edition
Super 8 Review -- Makes You Feel Like A Kid, Because Parents Are Total Idiots
There are two movies to be found in Super 8. One, is a loving homage to the building blocks of movies that generation-X and Y’ers held dear to them pre-adolescence. The other is a summer blockbuster that is unabashedly illogical and powerfully hokey. Director and writer J. J. Abrams, has done well with Super 8, in one regard. Setting a movie in a non-descript Ohio locale with unique child actors was a move that suits his style. Balancing this children’s science fictional realm, while keeping the supposed adults entertained is where the movie fails. See Super 8, but avert your eyes when the movie turns into a shameful rendition of Independence Day.
Commercial Break: NYC Biker Runs Into A Lot Of S**t
I'm not the biggest fan of bikers. Most that I've come across seemed to be jort-wearing entitled butt sniffers. But hey, there are exceptions to every biker, right? And maybe a lot of the bikers I've entertained hitting, became the way they are because of the laws in place. So this is me, trying to meet the biking community halfway. If we can work on getting better bike & traffic laws, then you can work on getting the f**k out of my way.
Also, I hate your pants and hats. That is all.