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    Entries in indie (8)


    E3 2011: The "This Could Be Good For Gaming" Edition

    Papo & Yo [Minority Studios]

    [Update: 6-19-11]: I guess it's been noted on several sites that the creator of the this game is making it as it relates, allegorically, to his life. The creator, Vander Cabellero, was raised by his father who was an alcoholic. The game is centered around a young man raised in Columbia [like Cabellero] who goes to this world of fueled by his imagination, when times get tough in his personal life. The young man befriends a rhino-like beast named Monster. Monster is addicted to frogs. The young man must alter his world via puzzle-solving tactics, but he must feed Monster frogs for his help. The penalty is that Monster turns belligerent when fed too many frogs. That's all I'm willing to know and write about this game. Really can't wait.

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    The Brog's Best Flash Game Of 2010: Closure

    "Because ya gotta have it, in order to move on." - Zadi Diaz


    This past year I made a handful of friends in the indie [whatever that means] gaming scene so I thought it would only be fair to do a "Best of" for flash and html-based games. Though I had to pick a winner, please pay special attention to the Honorable Mentions. Though these games may be written off by some to be time-eaters or small games, the impact they made on me changed how I look at games. Most notably, Elude, a game centered around depression -- where the goal of the game isn't to win, but to empathize. 

    2010's big winner is Closure, a game in the vein of Echochrome and recent Wii release -- Lost In Shadow. Closure relies on the gamer's smarts and ability to play with the path illuminating mechanics. If you can see it, then you should go there. However, if your path is dimmed, then prepare for a grave mistake. Places not illuminated, do not exist. Apropos to life, no? 

    For more free games and the culture that supports it go here: Scott Sharkey's 101 Free Games, Newgrounds, Kongregate, Adult Swim Games

    EL-P Interviewed By Ford Models Blog

    Damien Neva gets mega props for this one. Who would have thought the son of Harry "Keys" Meline would have made it this far?


    Cyrus Review -- Marisa Tomei Gave Birth To Jonah Hill?

    Its Almost Like One Of Those "Find What's Wrong With This Picture" Isn't It?

    Is it possible for a movie to be completely competent and incredibly predictable? Cyrus intends on proving around every turn, is something you have probably already thought of seconds before peering around the corner. We are also to believe that a sexually confident Molly, played by Marisa Tomei, is the mother of something resembling Jonah Hill -- who plays Cyrus. Though the casting may be a bit odd for the movie’s low budget nature, Cyrus makes for an interesting conversation while you figure out how odd or apt a reference is that John C. Reilly actually does visually favor the animated ogre, Shrek.

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    Precious - Not As Depressing As I Thought It Would Be


    Critter Crunch Review: Another Reason To Support Indie Games

    Thanks from a couple nudges from my fellow game journalists, I downloaded Cabybara's Critter Crunch off of the Playstation Network. It is almost a month later since downloading, and a significant month for gaming as well. For time capsule purposes I'll state the obvious. Infinity Ward's, Modern Warfare 2 is currently setting the world ablaze with yet another quality shooter. Electronic Arts has released some of the best reviewed games of the year these past couple of months [Dragon Age: Origins, FIFA 10, and Brutal Legend]. Even Gearbox's Borderlands and Naughty Dog's Uncharted 2 have been rocking the world of gaming. With all these elements in mind, it is not surprising that very few people have not heard of this puzzle-adventure game that is only available on the Playstation Network.

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    Creative Music + Creative Videos[Updated]

    Two Weeks

    Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks

    Thanks to the rag tag bunch behind EpicFU for hipping me to most of this new heap of new videos and music. I don't have cable...and even if I did, I don't think I'd be watching music videos. Do they still show music videos on MTV/BET?

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    IndieCade: International Festival Finalist: "The Graveyard"

    Thanks to Joystiq for posting this clip.

    Here we have one of the finalist for the IndieCade: International Festival. I don't know that it is...or what it is about, but when that song kicks in, it seems to be setting the stage [as if being in a graveyard isn't enough] for something a lot more tense and creepy.

    Word is...if you download the beta you get a nice extra twist!

    Click The Reference link below for more finalist!

    The Graveyard website