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    Entries in Commercial Break (33)


    Commercial Break: Sometimes It's Hard Defending Gamers


    A couple days ago I had a conversation with one of my [non-video game] lady pals about a current-slash-ex-dude she was seeing. She said she see couldn't see herself with someone who played games as much as she 'thought' he did. I'm using games broadly, but she meant video games. 

    As a clarifier, the young man apparently audio recorded his progress. This seemed to be enough for said young lady to come to a conclusion that, "uh uh!" This ain't what she wanted from a romantic interest.

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    Commercial Break: Ecco The Dolphin-type Mutant Sea Creature

    Yup, this video confirms it. Ecco The Dolphin may as well been based on actual aquamariner happenings.

    Speaking of Ecco The Dolphin. You should check out Player One Podcast's Greg Sewart's Ecco The Dolphin: The Tides of Time. A game that was so difficult I actually threw the game CD away. Yeah, it's hard, but a great game that I wish I kept.

    At this moment it appears I am the only one whose commented on his post. Really regretting dry-snitching on my bladder issues as a youth, but f**k it. It's the internet. And I still, to this day, classify Ecco The Dolphin and anything related to it [this includes the sea itself] as a nightmare factory.


    Commercial Break: Can You Walk Like This?

    After a day of writing and hanging with some friends, I'm realizing that we are all working too hard. I mean, I love working, sometimes really hard. Builds character. But do you ever think to yourself, "Damn, I need to just straight space out for a bit?"

    Above is a clip that I can't really make heads nor tails of [pun's real!]. I would assume that it is in some way related to bugs [or glitches depending on your school of thought] found in modern programming. 

    So cheers to you hard working people out there. The glitch in your life will have a patch, I just don't know how soon it'll come.


    Commercial Break: Science Just F**kin' Killed Mosquitoes

    Yes, I know, another video! I'm kinda suffering from the worst kind of block right now. It also doesn't help that I'm running quite the fever after a long [productive] trip.

    What you see above is from a TED talk [which we all should watch more of] centered around a constructive use of the blue laser found in most of our tech. Okay, a constructive use other than watching The Wire at two in the morning.

    The inner-entomologist in me, is a bit concerned with the future ramifications of such a find. "What if we kill too many mosquitoes?" And other such questions come to mind. 

    But still though, this is pretty cool. And I think it's helping me through this mental block.

    Maybe I'll write about this San Diego trip after all?


    Commercial Break: Boom! Thirty Minutes Of My Life, Wasted

    It's come to my attention that a fair amount of you come to my blog to waste time at your daily jobs. Hey, it's okay. I do it too. However, did you know you could be wasting even more time? That's right. My pal [though he doesn't know it yet] Micheal Badger has been doing these News Views videos for quite some time now. 

    He swears it's not a joke and all intentionally shot in a retro-manner. It's supposed to harken back to a time where the news was just that, the news. No spin, no fluff. 

    I don't remember it being so, well, you know. But hey, you wanted to waste a moment of your life right?



    Commercial Break: Damn Goku, You Got Caught Slippin'


    Sometimes you just have to take off your shirt and embarrass your brother on the internet. More so, that is. If you notice, he stands up holding his side, I presume several ribs were broken. We like Jeff. Jeff The Brother is the kinda guy that butts into your life when you may be taking things too seriously. Like say, impersonating a Dragonball Z character for animation and special effects requests. 

    In the past week, my TV has been acting funny [so no console game reviews until Toshiba finds out what my TV is possessed by]. I managed to lose my phone charger and could only charge my phone via car kit [which, oddly enough, had me miss more text and calls that I originally planned -- mea culpa]. 

    I'm starting to think that maybe I pissed off someone in several past lives, maybe shirtless. Whatever the case, maybe we all need a shirtless Jeff The Brother, to hop in on us doing something ridiculous. Don't stress the small stuff right?

    Don't stress the Kamehameha. /newmantra 


    Commercial Break: Classics Of Games = Amazing

    The youtube channel Classics of Games has been keeping me company this morning while I sift through angry e-mails and comments about how, 'I'm gay for not liking inFamous.' Yup, this is how we are spending our Fourth of July morning folks.

    Let's put a positive spin on this. Classics of Games is a collection of [perfectly sized] excerpts from video games, that kind of encompass the constant struggle between what makes a game useless and what makes a game stand the test of time. [I dare you to un-see the Jackie Chan fighting game]

    After the jump are a select few that made me smile on a day where I'm supposed to be telling mom about, "how gay I must be." Yeah, let's put that one on the refrigerator.

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    Commercial Break: I Found Some Animal Stuff On The Internet [Work Safe]


    So it's been a week since I've posted. I've been holding out on ya Internet. Don't fret, it's all part of my plan of making the times I do post that much more special, and mildly confusing. Let's be honest, that last post was a bit heavy.

    Today's topic: Animals are weird to me. I'm pretty sure if I was in the jungle with 99.9 percent of any animal, I'd managed to end up dead and partially eaten.

    I say partially, in the case of an animal that just wants to kill me and not devour my [assumed] delicious hind quarters.

    Below you'll find more inspiring images from our animal friends, that will not only brighten your day, but hopefully encourage you to make the most of it. Why? Dude there's a hawk eating out of some Nepalese guy's hand. Now quit reading and get to watchin'! 

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    Commercial Break: Get Drunk & Hit Somethin'

    Ever have one of those days where you just want to take the keys to your pick-up and run it through your favorite watering hole?


    How 'bout just politely grazing one of the cement pillars while you completely f**k up your drive train and vehicle alignment? Yeah, I thought so.

    Work has picked up on this end the brog, which is a good thing. I'd be lying if I didn't say that'd I may be a smidge overwhelmed at the moment. Writing, art projects and dancing have made little inroads to me being less grumpy, but it's helped birth many future ideas. Loads of which, I'm sure I'll be grumpy about NOT working on with my eight minutes of free time.

    "We're working on it!"

    It's something I say to the people at my nine-to-fiver. When in all actuality, I should be saying, "I'm planning my escape! The tunnel is coming along nicely!"

    When I see the man in this video. The one getting effortlessly thrown out of a bar and lack of social couthness. I think to myself: 

    "Self? I wonder what kind of job he has? Do his kids love him? Is he still thinking his wife will come back?"

    But then he puts the keys in. And we all learn a valuable lesson. That's right...


    Steal a car, then drive it into your favorite watering hole.


    Commercial Break: Drive So Fast You Make Them Cry

    Not much to say about this one. I want you to see the English translation, click on the "CC" link next to the expand button in the tool bar. I'm hoping to find and replicate this very moment with a friend, I just need to find a woody path and a hi-rev tuned car. Also, I need to learn another language fluently. My American accent just won't do.

    Possibly invest in douche bag fitted hats. Okay, and make friends with well-off Saudi before the summer is out. Damn, this just keeps getting more complicated.